
Do you have outrageous school uniform rules?

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My school has gone nuts ever since this new principal joined last year about uniforms. I just want to know that were not all alone

The fall dress codes are to be worn from the hours of 7am to 6pm properly from Monday through Friday and whenever you attend a school event (BTW this means any time 3 or more of us are together) school parents have been given the power and are strongly encouraged to give demerits to all who do not abide by these simple rules.

Female School Dress Code Standards Fall/Spring:

1. All female students must wear the schools colored shirt (green or white). We ask our students kindly to keep they're shirts fully buttoned while on school campus but may unbutton the top one while off campus and to have they're shirts tucked in at all times.

2. Female students are allowed to wear Tan/Khaki pants/ skirts which must extend below the knees and have a belt on when possible.

3. There is to be minimal make up on and no jewelry. Hair must be a natural color.

4. All students must wear dress shoes while on campus but may wear whatever they want off campus.


Female Dress Code Winter Additions:

During the winter due to the cold we found it necessary to change some things to maximize comfort.

Between December 8 and March 2 all students must now wear long pants. The school has also decided to change the schools shirt rules so that you must wear the buttoned, long sleeved, white shirts, schools green vest, and jacket while outside.


Female Summer Dress Code:

Although you may not have to come school you are still representing our school so we are asking you to wear appropriate clothing at all time meaning all shirts must have sleeves and all pants must be at to or below the knees. Also when you go to the mall, restaurants, or any other large public setting you must wear colored shirt. All school events are to be treated as in the Fall dress code. Please keep your hair a natural color and no excessive make up or jewelry. If you are reported by a teacher or parent of breaking these rules you will be asked to come into school to serve a 3 hour long detention.

Punishment for improper wearing of your uniform

Due to our desire that the school be represented properly any infraction to the uniform will be treated as a minor infraction or a 3 hour detention. If however you are not wearing part of the required uniform it will be a major infraction and a in school detention.




  1. that sucks for you, my school doesnt have any uniforms and few rules. if ur not happy with the rules and u see many others feel the same way as u, start a pettition and get many ppl to sign it, it worked with my friend as the princple was trying to cut 5 min out of lunch.

  2. Wow your school is super strict. Mine is just basic stuff like no spahgetti straps and no offensive shirts. What school do you go?

  3. YES! I hate our school uniform. your's doesn't sound bad. apart from the wearing the uniform to the plaza. yuk. our unifrom is pretty much a green, red and white potato sack (dress) if we don't have the tiedone up we get suspended. we also have a green straw hat with ribbions on the end its horibile and if we are caught not wearing it we get detention. we have to wear leather black lace up shoes and they must be polished or detention. we even have a dress code for our hair if we have a fringe below the eyebrow we get sent home and it has to get cut before u can come back to school. we have rules about socks to if u have the wrong socks u get detenion. we have a sports uniform but thats not much better. shoes  have to be plain white no netting or colours socks have to be right as well it sucks. it sounds like ur from america and go to a boarding school or something. i just go to a normal school in australia. i think its to strick but just got to learn to live with it i spose.  

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