
Do you have "conversations" when you are alone?

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Do you ever have "conversations" as if someone was in the room with you, even though you fully know they aren't there? You just have always done it to clear your head.




  1. Yeah all the time. When im cleaning around the house, it's like i think out loud otherwise i will forget what i have to do. I even do it when im shopping sometimes, people tend to think im a little on the crazy side, but i couldn't care less.

  2. no. i am pretty sure that is a sign of insanity.

  3. That's actually a sign of high intelligence.

  4. I actually do it quite often. That way I know someone is listening (me) and that I will usually not get an argument! Mostly it is so I can vent and not feel a need to explain why I feel that way. I can say what is bothering me and word it out before I say it to someone. So instead of telling "Aunt Bertha" why it is NOT okay to do that in front of the baby. I can walk/talk it out, out loud and see how it sounds and what I want to change. Most times I can also condense it and not add all the other things that person does that annoys me. Usually makes me feel tons better and no one else has to listen to me whine.

    Don't worry about talking to yourself, PLENTY of people do it. Just watch when you drive and you see people flailing their arms around. They aren't singing the latest Back Street Boy song lol.

  5. no how it happens?

  6. All the time -- that's when I get the best advice!!

    A colleague used to sit outside my office and she would hear me say random things throughout the day like "Where the heck did my stapler disappear to?".  I would do it all day long, and she would chuckle after each comment.

    But seriously, I do have non-office related talk, as well.  When you write something down, it is more committed to memory.  WHen you hear something out loud (as opposed to just a voice in your head), it makes the words more 'real'.  I'm not sure if that makes sense, but hopefully you know what I mean.

    Talking to yourself is not crazy.  I sometimes think I should put on one of the bluetooth headsets so that I can talk to myself in public, too! lol

  7. I am so glad you asked this question. your replies make me feel much better , sometimes I don't realise I am doing it. so glad there are so many others like me

  8. It is a common habit for the majority of people.

    It helps clear the mind, prioritise thoughts and identify the acceptability of public expression.

    Some thoughts spoken aloud illustrate their extreme silliness; others, their acuity.

    It is a form of role-playing that better prepares us for actual open/ publicly shared expression, like practising a speech.

    It can be a little embarrassing however if found doing so in what is a private moment.

  9. No never. I just think out loud.

  10. No I have given up on that.. apparently I am a Terrible listener!!

  11. I do, it helps get things clear sometimes.

  12. I think it happens to a lot of people even though they wont admit it!

    I do it without noticing sometimes, and its usually over my past and usually to vent!

    I replay situations and take on rolls, it may look insane to people who are watching, but to me its normal, its the way i am

    Although ive never spoken to myself when people are around me

  13. Sometimes I do, subconsciously. Mutter reminders, etc. I won't have arguments or laugh at my own jokes or anything.

  14. To ask this question You may be seeing many "people" these days head at 45degrees chatting away to what seems empty space

    I wouldn't worry about it These are the reptilians getting their orders It's quite common

    May this help

  15. Not conversations, but I do talk to myself quite often.

    In dreams I do have conversations.

  16. I've been talking to myself a little tlately, but I think it is bothering the neighbours...


    (Steven Wright in stand-up routine.)

  17. lol...i do sometimes say a few things to myself....but never a fullblown debate or

  18. When im concentrating i will talk to myself.

    Silly little phrases like "right, i just have to cut there and there"

  19. yeah i do that sometimes. sometimes a bit too unconsciously until I didn't realise that i was doing it in public and people started staring, lol

  20. I do that, but just in my mind. Sometimes I think of entire conversations that may happen between me and someone else in the future. Like what they might say and what I'd say back. Once in a while I'll say something out loud and feel kind of silly.

  21. All the time!

    I'm the best friend I have!

  22. of course i talk to myself, no one else listens

  23. it is good to have a cat to talk to, I feel less stupid.  Still talk to myself sometimes

  24. maybe singing at times

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