
Do you have reliable parents? If not, do you think their lack of reliability helped or damaged you?

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Do you have reliable parents? If not, do you think their lack of reliability helped or damaged you?




  1. Yeah, They are. They provide the house for all of us, food on the table, and a good roof over our heads. They put in cable for tv, but I move on to the internet.

  2. My parents are unreliable. I feel it helped me be more independent but makes me feel like I have too much to take on...kind of a double sided sword.

  3. Damaged!

    Thanks to recovery work, it's better now.

  4. No and I don't  really know. Maybe I'm in the process of being damaged? haha

  5. ~hi~! My parents have been the most positive influences in my life. They have supported me through some of the biggest challenges of my life and continue to be there for me.

    As an unlovable rebelling teen - they loved me unconditionally.

    As a confused young adult they helped me find direction.

    I think the important thing to remember is that parents aren't infallible, they are human. They are going to make mistakes. But, when they support you the best they can, you're not being damaged - you're being loved.  

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