
Do you have respect for Great Britain?

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Honestly, do you respect the country? Do you dislike or like the country? - If disliked, why?

Thank you.




  1. I have both like and dislike for the British. My like comes from the fact that they have a great amount of contributions to the arts and sciences (Newton, Cavendish, Shakespeare, Austen, etc.). My dislike comes from the fact that they obliterated other cultures and exploited people in their colonial history.

  2. Yes. Though I strongly disagree with the Iraq war and knew it was a mistake from day one. They are a loyal ally to us here in the U.S. They have also made great contributions to the arts and sciences over the centuries.

    Also, you can never judge a country or its people as a whole because of its government's policies (whether you agree or disagree). Countries are made up of people with wide ranges of views and should never be lumped into any group.

  3. Very little to be honest, and I am British. I don't recognise the country I grew up in, and if there was to be another world war we'd be f#cked. Britain is a nation of overweight, alcohol guzzling, fast food addicted, reality tv craving, house priced obsessed, celebrity worshipping sheep. Stratospheric crime, gridlocked traffic, exorbitant taxation, corrupt government, suicidal immigration policies, national identity long gone, absymal public transport, chavs, and a generation raised on benefits-how the h**l did we get to that in two generations, when we had possibly the finest generation of people Britain has ever produced fighting the n***s?

    Sorry, I lived there for over 30 years, and I am telling you the place is beyond the tipping point. It's f#cked. And that's why I moved to Australia.

  4. I have respect for them.  I think Cricket is somewhat g*y but I don't let that affect my overall opinion.

  5. I am neutral.

    The Britan is the main ally of US. Not much respect for the government, but a lot more respect to the people.  

  6. I respect them  as a people, they pretty much fought off the german and Itlain armies with out any U.S. fighting men, in the early parts of WWII so that has to say something for their reslove

  7. Absolutely.  I grew up in New England and have always had a soft spot for Britain.  It's sad, though, that it's not as "British" as it used to be.

  8. As a Brit I find your question quite interesting.  Having respect for any Country must depend on so many variables, their human rights issues, democracy and freedom of speech ect...ect... the list is endless.  My Country like so many others has so much to be proud of and yet I believe we have lost a lot of our Britishness over the past two decades what with mass immigration through the open borders of the European community.  Britain has become a melting pot for so many cultures and seems to have lost much of what used to make us a great and respected Country.  We have many faults but think we are learning to live in a multi cultural society and should be respected for our efforts.  Myself and family have recently visited the great US of A and were made most welcome by most - Thank you, we all thouroughly enjoyed your hospitality.  I have always respected the USA and their contribution, sacrifice and help in so many ways when so many Countries turn a blind eye.  The British and the USA have a special bond and both should be respected.

  9. not really

  10. i like g/b they have been a friend of the usa for a long time, we have much in common ,,same types of govt. a melting pot population and we seem to share the same types of problems..a lot in common

  11. Pretty general question but I'll do my best. Militarily (and as a former soldier) the UK is a highly trained and well organized force. Their special forces units are amongst the best in the world and their equipment rivals that of the US, Germany and Russia. So I respect them there. I respect the history it took to get these folks to where they are now. Civil and government strife, disease. It's a lot to overcome. The people overcame the hardships of 2 world wars and have a way of life that's enviable in many other countries. They're loyal allies and are like minded to the US where aid to foreign problems are concerned. They're outspoken people and true to their country. So in a nutshell I do respect the Brits and their land.  

  12. OH yeah...I like..why?? England gave us so many wonderful things like....David Beckham, Prawn cocktail crisp, digestives, David Beckham, Shaun of the Dead, clotted cream, the original Office, David Beckham, Spaced, GTA, the Jaguar, border collies, my husband and did I mention David Beckham....

  13. depends if the US get respect in return from its ppl and government

  14. I really dont care about that country. I neither respect or dislike the Brits.

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