
Do you have some easy greening ideas for my college? Things we can do this semester?

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We are trying to be more green, so we need some sustainability ideas. Some of our ideas were to move the margins out on our printers, print double-sided, and post signs by the elevators to encourage stair climbing.





  1. Nope.  No ideas.

    Just water the plants in your dorm.

    And WHY would you ask people to take the stairs.  If you want to take the stairs - then good for you.  But don't force others to do so...............

  2. Try looking for local sources of foods for the cafeteria.  For example, you might get lettuce from a farm down the road, instead of from South America.

  3. I go to UT Austin.  You can go to our school's environmental group's website. There are a lot of resources on there.

  4. Good on you!

    Why not try the following?

    1. Make A Worm Composter. Great for the enviroment and also great for making worm compost / soup.

    2. Have your college run a sustainabilty course.

    3. Why not ask them to make a 100% sustainable internet access PC so that anyone using the PC for surfing knows that they are not burning non sustainable fuels? i.e. excercise bike rigged up to a PMDC motor to charge batteries to run the inverter for the PC?

    4. Get your college to purchase 'Fair Trade; products and 100% recycled paper and other consumables?

    The list goes on.....

    Good luck

    Andy Mahoney

  5. Try engaging in with some local farmers ( if u dont liv in the city)and ask for their permission to do some tree planting on their land , this way you are doing good for the Enviroment, the farmers land and yourself because you can learn about the plants you are planting, there scientific names and common names, what soil types they like and so on. Doing this also give you a better relationship with suurounding communities.

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