
Do you have street lights where you live?

by Guest56159  |  earlier

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I have but they are not working tonight think the bulbs need replaced.




  1. Yes, I do.

  2. yes

  3. yeah.  but they go on & off all the time.

  4. UK make a note of the number painted on the streetlight (each one has one) and call your local Highways Agency (sometimes called CLARENCE)

  5. No can see the stars without light pollution, mind you need a big torch to find the dog when he goes walkabouts in the garden.

  6. yeahhhh.

    some dude next door has a huge one in his yard.

    but he is rich.


  7. Yep!

    most places do unless its in the middle of the country

  8. Luckily, no.    The closest one used to be 45 miles away, but now a town only 18 miles away has one.    People who don't understand stop signs are getting closer....

  9. NOPE.

  10. Yes, terrible light pollution if i want to go star gazing

  11. Hello D, I have a lamplight outside my window.

  12. What are street lights?  I don't think I have ever seen one (I live out in the countryside).

  13. Yes.  It seems unlikely that several bulbs would fail at once.  The circuit protection (fuse, breaker) may have blown, or high voltage might have caused coincident failures.

  14. Thankfully no !!-and we don`t want them either.

  15. Yea but they get run over all the time down here.

  16. I do now - but as a kid I did not.

    It was as if I could see every star in the sky - and the Milky Way.

  17. Yes plenty.

  18. yes.

  19. yes alot. who doesnt?

  20. To many, the light pollution is over the top, can read a book in the back bedroom

  21. yes i have them ..

  22. yes and all working

  23. Well, we bought our house here in Cyprus just over four years ago.....and we finally got proper street lamps about a month ago........but I guess thats pretty quick considering we only got our street sign last week!!

    I think i preferred it without street lighting was lovely to be able to see the clear starry night sky....street lighting spoils all that!

  24. yeah and every lamp is working except for the 1 outside my house!

  25. Yes, we have 1 street light on our road for every six houses or so.  They are located on the side of the road opposite to the city water lines, closest to the high school.

  26. Every 2 Blocks we have one where i live near Chicago.

  27. haha um yeah...

  28. Yes unfortunately so. I hate the sickly orange glow they emit. Fortunately the city I live in (Leeds, UK) is in the process of replacing all streetlights with a new, more energy efficient bulb. Even better, it's not orange! It's a soft white light, which reduces light pollution and is obviously not as depressing. Won't see 'em round my area for a year or so (I live in the student area) but I'm savouring the anticipation.

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