
Do you have stupid fears,...?

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what's wrong with me,I can't stand heights,I can't go in elevators,I hate freeways,...




  1. I'm afraid of Heights and Spiders. more of a fear from spiders than heights, cant stand the look of their hairy bodies and gnarly fangs.  

  2. I seem to not have any fear, of anything really.  Which kind of scares me.

  3. When I'm really high up, I wonder, what will happen if I fall down? But I never let that stop me from up trees, a ton of stairs, balconies, etc. I know my fear is irrational.

    What I am afraid of is going past my chin in the water. Someone grabbed me one day and pulled me into the ocean until I was that deep and I freaked. I can't swim under all, plus I ended up scraping up my feet a ton.

    I think I'm mostly afraid of death. It's really scary to think that I could die at 17 before I ever really have the chance to live or that I might lose my close relatives and friends. Its not a good fear but it makes me appreciate friends more and tell that I love them often.

  4. im terrified of aliens....

  5. Don't trip. Those are all pretty common fears.....And I'm not afraid of freeways, but when you think about it too is pretty ******* scary, I mean cars going 70 mph within feet of each other? This is why I don't get when people follow way to close, and cut between cars!! It's like are you trying to get us all killed!! It's not about how good YOU are at driving it's about how BAD or inexperienced someone else might be. IDIOTS! People SHOULD be more afraid of freeways then they are.

  6. well i would panick if i was looking down something HIGH....elevators dont bother me and free ways maybe abit lol

    I have a HUGE fear of insects!(ants, bees, spiders, all of them)...I actually shake if i see them in my house...I am terrified of bees flying around me outside. And somethng else that really makes me a little uneasy is the feeling of being closed in (like in a tanning bed. or even if i get  facial done andthe mask covers my eyes and mouth that bothers me)

    You are just human...for me tryig to face the fears helps///

  7. You have anxiety disorder. Seeing a Dr. would be a good thing. In the meantime, eat well, get enough rest and exercise. Exercise helps produce endorphins that can curb anxiety and help with it. Good luck!

  8. Just don't get to paranoid about things that it affects your daily life! heights are normal.. a lot of people are afraid of heights.. I don't like heights either, like going on a roof and stuff like that, I get all woozy like.. I don't like being around anyone with a chainsaw! lol   ..oh and I don't like planes either, heck I hate it when they fly over our house! I'd probably be too scared to ride in a commercial one!

  9. I am scared to death to go over bridges...If they have water under them I have to hold my breath. I can't pass a semi while driving....I'm afraid they're going to tip over....I'm scared to death of thunderstorms and the dark....they seem pretty crazy but they scare me.

  10. There is nothing wrong with you, its just one of those things.

    Personally I cant stand enclosed spaces, places with lots of people, frogs, or steam rooms.

    Thats just the few off the top of my head.  

  11. I am 32 and scared of the "thing" under of the bed.I can not sleep with the closet door open. Still scare of the dark. I guess you could say the boogie man or the thing that goes bump in the dark. Very childish huh?

  12. im afraid of tall buildings.....i hate to look upwards, or just stand next to them....

  13. I have the same fear of heights. Maybe go to a Mall that has levels and  with a family member. Every time try to stand closer, and look down. If you have to let your family member hold your hand. It might help you to do this. I have and I have gotten better.

  14. I'm afraid of zombies and looking into mirrors with the lights off

  15. My name is Meghan, I'm 21 and these are my fears

    I am scared of the Dark still lol.

    And as mentioned above, I am scared of things under my bed, and I also dislike to walk past TVs that are turned off at night, I fear something will jump out at me.

    And I sleep with a Teddy Bear.

    I also have a fear of Spontaneously Combustion, even though as a Nurse I know this is not possible for the body to do that, I still freak out about it ha.

  16. Sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate sharks

    it's not like i have seen one in person lol

    but they freak me out!

    i can't see them on TV, books, pictures!

    they just make me wanna cry

    every time i go to the beach i fear seeing one

  17. I don't think anything is wrong with you.  We all have different fears.  I as well am afraid of heights.  I refuse to go up a step ladder.  I was once driving where I wasn't familiar with my husband (who knew the area and that I was afraid of bridges)  and all of a sudden a big bridge appeared.  As I was going up my hands were clutched so tight to the wheel I thought they might break.  I started to go in and out.  I told my husband that I was really dizzy and I was blacking in and out.  He grabbed the steering wheel and somehow got us over the bridge.  Oh boy was he in trouble.  

  18. hey at least your not afraid of vaccum cleaners everytime those things turn on i get a weird chill

  19. Those are common.  Freeways kill many people, heights can kill.  My fears are present in everyday life and make sense to a degree.  

  20. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    Doctors can treat all these fears , hights ,elevators , snakes , bets ,....

    We can overcome the fear from anything except the fear from the anger of the God ; eternal life in the h**l is not an easy thing.

    Not all the fear is stupid ,sometime the security be in the fear.

  21. my fears are all very stupid

  22. Most people have fears they know are unfounded. Some people do anything to avoid facing them and others work on getting over them. It is not too hard to get over them once you actually do what you are scared of.

    I had to get over my fear of heights at work because I had to climb ladders to do my job or lose it.  Now I can climb anywhere without worry.

    Sense of balance can go fuzzy for some people in elevators. Ride several elevators some day and try your own techniques for centering yourself. It could be as simple as leaning against a wall. Take a vehicle and driveway in the slow lane on the freeway on the same route over and over again until you get confident enough to try the faster lanes. Repetition is your friend. Once you realize that nothing bad is going to happen in all those times you have done it, then you won't be fearful.

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