
Do you have stupid fears and phobias,...?

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what's wrong with me,I'm afraid of heights,elevators,freeways,storms,...?




  1. yes, I'm afraid of tap water and fruits and veggies that have been engineered to NOT produce seeds.  I also get scared when I'm dreaming about my teeth and they turn into tic tacs and move around in my mouth or the dream where I forget my child in the car and remember her hours later.

  2. I'm afraid of medical things. So I don't like being in hospitals and other stuff, they freak me out! Sucks hey.

  3. im afraid of:





    being ugly, fat, old though i am none,


    the ocean[when it has riptide],

    the dark,

    things touching my veins,

    my own heart beat sometimes freaks me out,

    satanic ppl,


    and the times leading to the tribulation.

  4. i am also afraid of heights, freeways, storms and afraid to fly.

  5. i'm afraid of people with bad breath..weird but true

  6. im afraid of clowns

  7. im afraid of elevators spiders toilet fludhing and lots of stuff

  8. There are liggitmate fears and illiggitimate fears,

    i'm afraid of baloons, and flying . . .

    I look at it this way about flying, what's the

    sign one sees in an air port, " Air Terminal " lol.

    need i say more, ok i will, what is flying based

    on? defying gravity, 30,000 feet in the air is

    deffinately not the place one wants to be defying

    anything, let alone gravity . . . but i'm old school

    and so i'll stick with logistics and analogies,

    " If we were meant to fly we'd be born with wings "

    As 4 baloons, you don't wanna know, lol . . .

  9. I HATE turbulence during flying

  10. I'm afraid of the dark

  11. nothing is wrong I have phobias of spiders  

  12. It makes me cringe when people use words like: Moist, luscious, creamy, crunchy.

    Yeah, I'm weird.

  13. nothings wrong with you. i am afraid of the dark, vomiting, slow elevators, airports, closed spaces. being alone, im a HUGE germaphobe,.....

    as long as youre not having panic attacks youre fine. you could ask a psychologist to help you get over them, but dont worry about it.

  14. those are pretty normal fears, i used to be afraid of elevators and storm, but not so much anymore

  15. i'm afraid of canned biscuits i can't open them because i don't know when its gonna p**p it scares the bejesus out of me and im 21

  16. whats wrong with you? more like whats wrong with me!

    listen to this:

    i have a burning passion fear of: gas stations, people poking inside my belly button, traffic, horns in a car.

    i hate em all!

  17. The psychoanalysist Lacan says that in our young stages of life we are affected by those around us and will pick up on certain traits such as fears. So if you were ever in contact with people with these fears when you were young you would have absorbed them. This is also how young animals learn predators from their mother.

    It may also be due to repressed memory. Confronting the fears are best in this case as it brings the memoryto the surface and counsels out the problem.

    Hope this helped.

  18. birds, bridges, crowds of strangers

  19. I'm afraid of the dark

    It's horrible...but then I remember that God is watching over me

  20. I'm claustrophobic(fear of santa claus) LOL


    and the worst of them all........................................

    my sister without her makeup.

  21. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    Are you afraid that this may kill you?

    Believe that , None can hide from what the God want for him , if the God want you to die ,you will die , and if the God want harm you , this will happen and if the God want save you ,this will happen.

    So ,i depend on the God and know that everything happen to me by his will ,so i accept my destiny.

  22. Almost everyone has some sort of irrational fear or phobia.  I'm hydrophobic because I almost drowned when I was young.  But I've gotten a lot better (I can at least be near or even on water [like a boat] now).

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