
Do you have such thing as a guard?

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I read the book by mia dolan and she said it is possible for you to let your guard down and have contact with the spirit world, i know its pretty far fetched, Its just that Ive had some strange things happen lately and I just wanted a few opinions.




  1. To all those who think she is reffering to a moral guard or common sense, this question is in the paranormal section. It is obviously about spiritss especially since the phrase "spirit world" was used. Anyway, there are many doors to the spirit world. The important thing is to learn psychic self defense by shielding and discernement. If you can discern the good spirits from the bad, you are well on your way to protecting yourself. Always remember that you can call on the light to protect you and that that as long as you are surrounded and consumed by light, the darkness cannot touch you. I would look into shielding your house if you must. Have someone set up shields around your home and then strengthen them.

  2. We all have a "guard" protecting us from the "spirit world" and many other things too.  It's called incredulity.  This "guard" is what keeps us from purchasing the Brooklyn Bridge, buying books touting nonsense and believing everything we're told.  Dolan wants you to let your guard down so you will give her your money.

    Ignoring your "guard" means you're disregarding your past experience and valuable things you have learned (i.e. wisdom) and assuming nothing.  Would you drive your car assuming nothing?  Would you tell children to let their guard down around strangers?  No, I don't think so.  Our guard exists because we have learned from negative experiences in our past.  It's there to protect us from con men like Mia Dolan.

  3. What she is talking about is stuff that you protect, in other words your inner sense and what you feel is right about things.  For example, some girls might have a high guard on their bodies, and they won't let people mess with them until they know them, on the other hand, prostitutes have let almost all of their guard down on their bodies.  It is kind of like your morality towards things in life.

  4. Yes, we do have some astral guards or angels and aura shields. When the astral doors are opened by mistake, we may come into contact with some entities and energies which we may not be familiar with and we generally perceive danger with things not familiar and get fear. That weakens our aura shield further and exposes to some dangers at the body-mind-aura level.

    You can shield yourself by visualising strong clear blue light or a golden aura completely surrounding you. You can also invoke the benign protection of Angels and Archangels, Saints, Masters etc. depending on your religious beliefs.

    Blessings to you. Face fear with courage and love.

  5. You can keep in close proximity with your religion, and practice strong faith (what ever it is). If you don't believe in any religion at all, think about the natural breath taking events and all the marvellous creations of nature around you. Then your mind will automatically make a spiritual guard of your self. There after no one can force you to the wrong path. An you will feel self confidence and relaxed.

  6. I think so,  how to bring it "down" I don't know.

  7. you mean guard as a guardian angel,yes of course,i believe

    in the power of the Spirit,but when you say to let the guard down it is like not letting your  spiritual guard act ,therefore

    you are letting the 'door' open not to establish but to let it work this kind of entities through you,in other words let yourself be possessed, it is very tricky,if you don't know

    what you are dealing with!

  8. I think so.

    All alone in my backyard one day,I heard a child keep calling mommy,mommy,and I knew on instinct that it wasn't the neighbors.Another time,when I came home and was waiting for my mom to get the door open,I heard a baby crying.Before I moved to where I currently live,I always thought I saw shadows in my room.I live in a house that was built in1962.I had a dream once during a World Cup game last year (ITA-USA) where,well I can't really explain it,but I had more dreams like it after that,strange thing is,I was always alone when they happened.I got one a few months ago,and I haven't gotten one since.

    So I think so,I mean,I believe in all that stuuf,about the paranornamal and people having supernatural abilities.

  9. Your aura is one such guard,  then each of us have a guide and guardian through life. Chriatians call them guardian angels, Occultism calls them holy guardian angels, the Hawai'ians called them the 'aumakua, etc.

    If you are sick, or are taking certain medications, your aura can become weak and let things through.

  10. We are all physical beings.  As such, we tend to focus on physical events and ignore those events which are not consistent with our knowledge of the physical world that we know.  We must do this in order to survive and exist in our daily lives.  We have to make decisions about what is viable and what is "not worth our time".

    I believe that Mia Dolan is speaking about this "normal" and usually subconcious decision making process as our "guard".  Is it possible to "let down your guard"?  It's not as simple as it might sound.

    In order to access all of the information that is percieved, you need to gain access to your subconcious mind.  Your subconcious mind is thought to store all of your experiences in unaltered form.  People who have been hypnotized have a better access to their subconcious mind and are able to recall details of past events much more clearly than those who are remembering conciously.

    If you are able to gain access to your subconcious mind, you are able to recall your experiences in their raw form, before they have been filtered through your concious defense mechanisms.  In this raw form of data, you may be able to recognize that there is some information that does not coincide with the physical laws that you know.  These events then become "unexplained".

    If you choose to examine the "unexplained" phenomenon, and if you accept those events as part of your world, you have "let down your guard".  This does not mean that you will have access to the spirit world, but it does mean that you will be more concious of the world that you live in, and that you may encounter some "spirit" events that you will choose to examine rather than immediately explain away.  Good luck in  your search.

  11. Some people are more receptive to paranormal events more than others making it easier or more likely for things to happen.

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