
Do you have the right in the US to....?

by Guest65543  |  earlier

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ok so i no if someone is trying to kill you, you are alowd to protect yourself where it is hurting them or killing them first.

but if you see your friend/family memeber being killed do you have the right to kill or hurt the person hurting your friend/family member or would you get intouble?




  1. Self defense or defense of another innocent party is justification

    for the use of force just about everywhere.

    You will be arrested. Maybe even charged with a crime.

    In your defense, you must be able to prove:

    1. You have reasonable reason to believe that the threat existed.

    2. That the threat was immediate.

    3. That the amount of force you used was necessary, and not excessive.

  2. who cares? just do it

  3. This is the equation you must follow

    intent to kill = murder

    If someone is trying to kill you, or anyone for that matter, you have the right to use deadly force to stop it... but ONLY enough to stop the person.

    Let's say for example this guy comes swinging at you with a kitchen knife and you bash him in his face with a cast iron frying pan. If the initial blow was enough to stop him, and you continue beating him until he is in a coma, you have crossed the line and have broken the law. They will definitely pin you with murder charges, or attempted murder charges... maybe manslaughter if you're lucky.

    But, if the first blow just happens to kill him instantly, that's ok. Expect to be taken to trial if you kill a person though, whether you're justified in doing so or not.

  4. I think you do

    but if you help someone even from death and then they have some health problems because of your actions (like you weren'[t suppose to remove them with their bones broken or something like that)

    they can sue you for that  

  5. I am not sure about a friend, but I am 99% positive that you are allowed to protect your family. (excluding for whatever reason, pets. I guess because they are considered property. Which is ridiculous, because I know that there are plenty of people who love their dog more than they love their great aunt twice removed or whatever.) Again, I am not sure if it includes all family, but I am fairly certain that immediate family is included.

    Getting in trouble, as you put it, is really not a concern one thinks about if they see their mother, father, brother, sister, son, or daughter being killed. And usually people who kill for this reason will get off on some kind of self defense argument or get probation, etc.

  6. Yes. But you will be responsible if you mistake the victim for the aggressor.

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