
Do you have the right to return a toxic piece of furniture back to the shop ?

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I bought a bookcase today. It is made of pine which has been stained - to change the colour. While transporting the bookcase home my face and hands got very itchy and an unpleasant and irritating odor was coming from the bookcase. Other members of my household also felt the same reaction and this has never happened before. I have covered the bookcase with a large plastic sheet and want to take it back to the shop tomorrow. It has only been in my possession for 12 hours. What are my rights if they refuse to give me a refund ?




  1. You are entitled to an immediate refund.  If they give you any hassle, report to Trading Standards straight away.  In fact, you ought to, if only for the sake of other customers.

  2. If bought in the UK you are covered by the consumer protection act and if bought from a dealer providing you have a receipt they must either replace the item or refund the money (or give you a store credit to its value) If this does not take place then speak to Consumer direct, look on line for the consumer protection act or the direct gov website

  3. By all means take it back but be pleasant , tell them what has happened and explain your family might be allergic to the stain or polish used to colour it, how you would stand under Trading Standards legislation I am not sure, as it would have to be unfit for purpose which in all honesty it is not broken.  I f they refuse to either change it or refund your money why not coat with a Polyurethane varnish that would seal in any of the stain that you might be allergic to and be a cheaper option

  4. You should be able to return it without a problem. I dare say is sounds like there is Formaldehyde in the bookcase. Probably from the stain they used. Just return it and if they refuse it, tell them that you will return with a lawyer and the results of a toxicology test.  

  5. In the UK I think you can return anything within 30 days.  Provided that it's in the same quality and condition.  My understanding is that you do not need a reason for the return and the store must refund your money.  You clearly have a good reason and should not have no problem returning it.

    For matters like this check out this website.  I used it recently and found it extremely useful.  You can also call them for one to one advice.

  6. Here in the States, you just take it back and make up an excuse. As long as you have the receipt, you usually either get your money back or a gift card for store credit.

  7. You can sew them for giving you a tainted book case.

  8. Contact the shop and ask about their return policy and explain what happened. Save all the box, packing peanuts or foam and anything else that came with it. (if anything)  If they refuse to take it back and you paid by credit card, contact the customer service at your credit card and tell them you tried to return it and could not. They might delete the charge. See if your credit card has a buyer protection plan and that may be covered.  

  9. depends on the policy of the shop - sounds like if it was custom work, it is yours to do whatever you want with, including selling it to someone else.

  10. it is not up to standard so yes you can return the item, if you have any trouble then get in touch with trading standards

  11. I dont think that they will refuse to give you one. Being that it has been less than 90 business days, your family is obviously allergic or something to the substance, and it smells! Just ask them and if they wont take it back "threaten" to take it to court and get your money back lol!

  12. Most shops would be very concerned about this and would give you a refund. I wouldn't use the word toxic as you have no proof of that, just say it's affecting you and your family. If you have any problems contact Trading Standards and they will take it away for examination of the substances used.

  13. Yes you should get a refund, if try TSO.

  14. Defintely return it and insist on a refund.

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