
Do you have the syndrom of Kassandra? How do you make it go away?

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Kassandra was an ancient future-reader, but Apollo was mad at her and spit in her mouth, so no one believed her, and thus the catastrophes she predicted couldn't be prevented.

I am like that: I am always right about things I warn people against, because I am very cautious and informed as a person, and I don't speak unless I know something for sure. But people don't listen to me, and then what I have warned them against happens, and they know I was right but somehow they react as if there was no way to predict what would happen, so it's not their fault.

Example: I gave a kitten to a friend. I warned him that he would get lost if he let hom be outdoors especially igf he didn't neuter him. I even got him a telephone tag, which he agreed to make him wear. Well, he didn't neuter the cat, he let it roam during the holidays, without his tag on(!!!) and now he is so sad that he lost it!!! How can people be so stupid? Especially if you tell them what will happen??




  1. Dearest Cristine, you don't suffer of the Syndrome of Cassandra, but of the Syndrome of Oedipus Tyrannous in its female version...

  2. well, that's not a prediction....that's common sense that if a cat is let out with no supervision and not being nuetered he will wander off.

  3. I think it's more usually spelt with a C.

    Sometimes people don't listen. This is not all people. They quickly learn from their mistakes. It can  help if you explain *why* they should do this (the reasons behind it) and give previous examples. Especially previous examples involving you (so they think they are gaining from your bad experience, rather than feeling like they are being told what to do). If they don't listen then, sit back like Cassandra and let them suffer the consquences. Techinally, this isn't a syndrome...

    Cassandra did ok. She survived Troy at least. Up to the point her lover's adulterous wife beheaded her, anyway.

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