
Do you have time for a short poem before retiring?

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by C.S. Scotkin

Fatigue tiptoes

quietly unseen

spins spider silk

binds arms, legs, mind

leaves no way out.

I dissolve into dreams…




  1. Aside from one word, this is so good, as witnessed by the many that you have inspired. And since it is 2:20am, I might as well give it a try.

    The body aches for rest,

    The brain seeks oblivion.

    Yet the mind denies the quest,

    Fearful dreams keep living on.

    Mindless games of solitaire,

    A monumental waste of time,

    Yet it helps me to prepare

    And safer than a glass of wine

    Sudoku also helps me slumber

    So far from feeling is the number.  

  2. Very nice imagery. Dissolving into dreams seems much better than congealing into them--something I seem to be doing lately.

  3. I'm now cool,relaxed

    in my bathtub;

    Wet bubbles




    and I


    into the arms

    of sleepy slumber.

    glub glub,

    liked  your poem.

    glub, glub.

  4. Feathers


    Cajole as

    Slumber awaits you

    Come now

    These sweet dreams brought to you by NoSleepitol

    For all you Narcoleptic Insomniacs

  5. makes me sleepy just reading your poem

  6. You've said it all, my dear, I had a bunch of beautiful stuff float'n 'round in my head a minute ago...Fatigue has robbed me of all rational thought.

    At the moment I'm wishing a certain poster were MY child so I could whup his disrespectful behind.(NOT from this post as yet.)

  7. Tired now...........I lie

    Pillow soft..........To sleep

    Head cradled......Fitly

    Deep.................To dream.

  8. I wish I could dissolve into dreams. I toss and turn into dreams.

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Have a good sleep.

  9. Full stomachs

    Brushing teeth

    Cool room

    Snuggling in bed

    Longing for rest

    Till the morning returns.

  10. I read this, then hydropro's answer and am grabbing a pillow from the effect of both, dissolving into dreams and answering his call of "come now."

    Hypnotizing...both were!!!  

    (Yawns, awaiting sweet slumber)



    Resistance is futile!

    very sleep inducing prose.

    Put it in a bottle quick!

    Wait ... what are the side effects?

  12. Yes I do, although at 5:12 in the evening I have no immediate plans of retiring for the night.

    It is lovely.

  13. The sandman's calling from deep inside ,,,Fading away Fading awa,,,,,zzzzzzzz

    Nicely Done

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