
Do you have tips from hitting when ball is below feet?

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Or from above feet or downhill or uphill lies?




  1. james bond you are wrong.... when the ball is beneath your feet you dont turn the club a different way.. you choke up on the club so that when your swing comes through it would be normal since the club is shorter and below your feet

  2. when the ball is below your feet, bend your knees, aim left of the target and make sure to keep your head down. on uphill lies, get one club up then the yardage tells you, and aim right of your target.

  3. Maintaining your stance/balance is of the upmost importance.  You may want to aim left for a shot below your feet and take more club and you may want to choke down on the club for a shot above your feet and take more club.

  4. a) With the ball below your feet the tendency is to slice or fade the shot (depending on your swing), because the clubface tends 'open up' slightly at impact due to the 'hanging' swing shot.

    b) With the ball above your feet the tendency is for the shot to hook or draw (again depending on your swing), because the clubface tends 'close up' slightly at impact due to the 'tightly closer' swing shot.

    To compensate situation (a) try to address the ball along a line slightly left of the intended target, with the clubface fractionally slightly 'open'.Choke up a bit on your grip. Then hit the ball with your normal 'one-plane' swing.

    To compensate (b) try to address the ball along a line slightly right  of the intended target, with the clubface slightly 'close'. Then hit the ball with your normal 'one-plane' swing.

    This should work for you, as it has for me. Good luck.

  5. Squintkid,

    Remember this, when the ball is below your feet it is going to come out (if your right handed) to your right. If it is above your feet the ball will come out to your left.

    Therefore you must align yourself farther to the left on lies below your feet, and farther to the right when the ball is above your feet.

    When the ball is below your feet you must bend your knees more, and stay down on the ball throughout your swing. When the ball is above your feet, you must bend your knees more, choke up on the club and maintain your spine angle throughout the swing.

    When your are hitting from a downhill lie, play the ball farther back in your stance and decrease by one club. When you are playing from an uphill lie play the ball normally or a little forward and increase by one club. Make sure that your shoulders stay level with angle of the hill.

    Hope this helps,


  6. below feet= more knee flex, aim left of your target and swing normally..You can actually try to draw the ball a little to compensate for the lie....above feet= choke up on club, , aim right or play a fade to compensate for the lie....uphill lie=more club..downhill lie=less club...

  7. It's especially important to stay down coming thru the swing.  All the other advice are just tweeks you might want to try.

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