
Do you have to attend an interview to become a foreign exchange student?

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I am a freshman in high school and I was thinking about becoming a foreign exchange student my junior year.




  1. I was also looking at becoming an exchange student using ASSE. Once you have sent off an application, they arrange an interview.

  2. It depends on the program you use, and where you go to school, but I'd assume you have to have an interview with someone, at least at your school level. (Maybe a teacher, or a principal.)

  3. YES u do have to

    they wanna know ur attitude about where u wanna go, stereotype, the reasons, how can u survive

  4. Absolutely!

    I have done several interviews for potential exchange students. Some of the things I look for is agreement between the interview and application form and letter, too much dependence upon your parents, and maturity.

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