
Do you have to be 18 or older to attend the g*y Pride Festival in Riverside CA.?

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I've never attended any pride festivals and i was wondering if theres an age limit to it. im only 17 and i'd love to attend the one here in riverside california but i dont know if i have to be 18 and older =/. if you know anything, please help.




  1. For lots of details, check out the event's page on MySpace (link below).

    The answer to your question is that you don't have to be 18.  In fact, the event will have a special "Youth Zone" for those ages 14 to 19.

    You could even volunteer to help with the event, though as you are under 18 you would need permission for that.


  2. Oh no dude my high school GSA went to a pride festival in that area a while a go and there were some people who were 14. I think I did see an age limit of 13 but you can go man.  

  3. i dint know the pride festival in maryland does not have a age limit you should check but i doubt there is no age limit

  4. The pride festival in my town didn't have an age constraint. I'm not sure about yours though.

  5. Nothing that happens there is going to scare the horses.

  6. I don't believe there is an age limit.  At Palm Springs Pride they but a bracelet on any one over 21.  But all ages were allowed to attend.


    EDIT: Just found this article:

  7. I doubt it.

  8. any age for the supporters,  go and give support there is nothing done that can be seen by the public or the would not allow it in the city.  g*y love kids are in the parade so i take ist ok

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