
Do you have to be 18 to adopt a guinea pig?

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I want to adopt a guinea but the oldest person I have is 16.




  1. Do you live with parents if you are younger than 18? If so, have them go with you to adopt the guinea pig.  If they are against getting one, it is best to simply wait until you are old enough for your own place to make the decision to get one.

    Most pet stores have a policy that states that only those individuals above the age of 18 can purchase an animal.  I know that PetSmart has the policy and applies it to their small animals, reptiles and even fish.  Although someone under the age of 18 can buy a "feeder fish" such as a rosie red or a comet, they cannot buy any other type of fish unless accompanied by an adult.  I believe the same holds true for PetCo and other pet stores around.  If you think about it, if they sold you an animal and you were under 18, the odds of it returning because the parents do not want one or the individual that purchased it couldn't care for it properly or lost interest in it are far higher.  Returning an animal to a pet store can be stressful on the animal and can lead to unnecessary problems and for some animals it can lead to death from the stress of the different situations.  This is not something you want to be responsible for.

    I would advise you to get permission from a parent and to go to the pet store with them (although I strongly encourage you to avoid the pet stores all together and head to a shelter in the area or use to locate a guinea pig in the area in need of a home).

  2. it depends how old they look.

    but if they are 16 im sure you'll prolly get through.

    good luck

  3. ummm no!well  it actually depends on where you go.get one of your friends parent (if u have any friends)and go to the store and buy old are you?

  4. depending where you go......i went to petco and adopted a hamster and im only 13!!!!!!!!!!

  5. it depends on where you go, some places will make you have an adult, but others will just watch you interact with the animal to make sure that you seem mature and responsible enough to get it.

    TYPICALLY, a parent is necessary for consent reasons. they don't want to give an animal to someone who can't have it and are going to have to bring it back soon. always assume it's the first of those options and have an adult.

  6. NO you do not have to be any specific age to adopt a guinea pig. HOWEVER, Petco only sells animals to people over 18... same rule applies for Petsmart. Depending on if that particular store clerk is relaxed about the policy then you may or may not be allowed. Most Small animal adoption agencies may require you to be 18 as well... it really just depends on where you go. But there is no law or code that says you have to be 18 or over.

  7. No. i know you probably wanted a long, explaining answer but why waste my time. you can be any age.  the people at the pet store will be happy to get rid of a pet and take your money!!!

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