
Do you have to be a bad a$ to fight in mma?

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I know kind of a weird question but me and a couple of guys were saying what we gonna be doing soon and I told them im going to fight/train in mma and they were like 'dude u gotta get into street fights' or 'get into alot of trouble' to do that. Is that true? I don't want to get into street fights or start trouble. I juts love the sport.




  1. h**l yea u have to be a bad ***,if just any one joined the mma wouldnt be worth watching,most of them guys train 6 days a week every week,you start out in amatuer fights and work your way up,when you get good anough there you can sign up for bigger fights and eventually fight bad *** guys,the word will get around and the ufc,elite xc and others will take notice,but dont get your hopes up,these guys are the best of the best and they train in 3 or 4 or even more diffrent martial arts for years and years.its not something you can jump into like that,them guys dont start a martial art and say ima be on ufc.glad to be of any help.

  2. The UFC and Dana White is retarted in that if you don't talk trash and draw attention, they won't give you a contract.


  3. by bad a$$ if you mean like a thug then no.  

    look at fedor.  just looking at his appearance he seems like the nicest guy and hes very polite.  then you get in the ring and fight with him.  he still doesnt show any aggressive emotions....but he literally kicks everyones a$$.

  4. no, street fighting will get you no where but jail or shot. Take up some mma classes, dont listen to your dumb friends

  5. Rich Franklin, who was MMA champ for a while is a math teacher in his town's high school.  Growing up he was a "good kid," and he has smacked the c**p out of all kinds of fighters with a "thug" background.  You don't have to be one but I'm sure it helps.

    It is a misconception that a criminal background makes you into a good fighter on its own; in days past, when boxing was run by the mob, there were a lot of hardened criminals fighting, and they were beaten by "honest" men.  Here's the thing though; the only way you can beat a hardened criminal, a tough as nails street fighter, is by having ultra polished technique.  There really isn't any other way.

    Part of the reason boxing held a higher standard of training in "the old days" as opposed to now, is because the coaches new the kind of men their boys would encounter.  Because it was run by the mob, there was a very real danger of getting killed in the ring.  Medical professionals were largely kept out of the sport, because it was run by the mafia.  In other words, no one to check your retinas, no one to check your physical condition, and worst of all the guy on the other side of the ring was a dude who served in the military in WWII, and he had a criminal background.

    Having a criminal background does not necessarily make a person a better fighter than someone who trains hard, however they are dangerous enough that you would need to train very hard in order to beat them.  Also consider this historical example; in ancient Europe, the vast majority of soldiers in the Roman army were simple farm boys.

    To be able to join, you had to be 5'10, good looking, and have a muscular build.  In other words for much of its history the armies of Rome were composed of handsome Italian farmboys who, if you looked at them, you wouldn't think they could fight.  Most visions of Roman soldiers are that of tough, grizzled, tough looking neanderthalish types, but its inacurate.  Translated Roman military manuals, or references to them, I read at a University library specifically dictated the belief that "some men who are handsome, are good lovers, that can please either the lord or lady of a household, while other men who are handsome, are good fighters."

    In other words, the whole notion of "lover, not a fighter" came from the Greco/Roman world.  Some men are good looking in that they are meant to please women, some men are good looking in that they are a man's man that women want, and men want to be because they can fight.  It was the second type of man, that Roman army recruiters were looking for.

    So, what does this have to do with MMA?  Well....

    Most of the Celtic armies that Rome encountered, was made up of tough looking "bad asses."  That did not stop Rome from slaughtering the bunch of them, and conquering Gaul (Modern France) and the Iberian peninsula (modern Portugal and Spain).  Individually, the Celts were lethal.  So lethal even the Germanic tribes found in Scandinavia and modern Germany were scared of them.

    It is a racist, anglo-saxon biased misconception that the Celts were weak; the truth is they were formidable warriors.  So formidable that the reason the Roman army was as powerful and disciplined as it was, was because it was designed specifically for the purpose of exterminating them.  In fact you could argue that the Celts made ancient Rome what it was.  The fights between the Celtic tribes, and the Romans, was a fight between "badasses," and "handsome farm boys."  In the end the farm boys won.

    What that historical example shows is that while badasses are indeed good fighters, you don't need to be one to be a good fighter, you just need to work and train hard while consuming plenty of protein throughout the day, which the Romans did in the form of goat's milk, which tastes like liquid cheese but its very good for you.  As to why the German tribes eventually overwhelmed the Celtic peoples of Britain and France;

    In Celtic tradition, from the moment a male child could pick up adult sized weapons, their training in the warrior arts began.  When they were conquered by the Romans and became civilized, they stopped training the warrior arts largely and relied on professional armies.  The Germans of Germany and the Scandinavian countries on the other hand, had not yet let go of that tradition.  So, on the Roman side, the only fighting males are in the army, while on the German's side, every male knows how to fight.  Basically, the Celts of Europe lost to the Germans not because the Germans were superior, far from it, but because the Celts were wolves whose fangs had been removed by the Romans when they became civilized.  Indeed, the Celts of Britain only lost to the Saxons for precisely the same reason, as Mickey of the Rocky series stated "the worst thing that could happen to a fighter happened to you; you's got civilized."

    See, the Brits were civilized, but the Saxons were not, thus they never had a chance without disciplined legions protecting them.

    Hey, read the history yourself, learn from it and apply it if you can.

    good luck.

  6. you have to be at the top of your game. that means years of training not streetfighting. thats why there is a difference between the ice man and that  waste of space kimbo slice. you will never see kimbo fight anyone good on cbs. he would be humiliated.

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