
Do you have to be a certain age to be in the Olympics?

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I know that you have to qualify, but like, say you qualify but your only 13, is it possible? Please don't assume I'm talking about myself, though, I don't swim competively...




  1. I don't know if there is an official age minimum, but I do know that there was like a gymnastics gold medal winner who was only 14

  2. I don't believe there is an age limit, however, people under 15 (who is the youngest Olympic swimmer, I've heard) probably wouldn't have as great of a shot because of a couple of different factors.

  3. no, you could make the team at any age; assuming you have the skills

  4. There have been several female swimmers on the U.S. Olympic swim team who were only 14 years old.  The youngest male U.S. Olympic swimmer was 15.  Back in the 80's, Japan had a girl who won the world championships in the 800 free who was only 12!  On the other hand, we have Dara Torres, who has a very good chance at qualifying for the U.S. olympic team this year, and she's 41!  

    So, nobody cares how old you are in competitive swimming, only how fast you are.

  5. You definitely don't have to be a certain age. For example, just look at the Olympic Trials coming up in a couple weeks. There are 3 or 4 13 year old girls, who, if they somehow got first or second would be on the team. At 13 years old. Many 14 and 15 year olds in history have made the team as well.

  6. i swam at nationals lalst summer and i was 12 there is no age limits

  7. The youngest age you can be in it is 13. Someone on my team is 13 and she qualified for the olympic trials this year. we're all pretty excited about that.

  8. it depends on each individual sport.  sports like gymnastics and figure skating can be younger, but i believe the minimum age for swimming is 15.

    however, the athletes can't stay in the olympic villa unless they're 18.

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