
Do you have to be a certain height for volley ball?

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Do you have to be a certain height for volley ball?




  1. Some places to have a height cut off for volleyball, usually around 5'6" or 5'7", meaning they will choose taller girls over shorter. I am 5'2" and last season I was the second shortest member of my team.

    Also, if you are any shorter that 5'7" at your full height, you will not play hitter or middle.

  2. No. As long as you appreciate the game and are wiling to participate you will be as good as nybody else.

  3. no...being shorter than others tends to push you harder, making you a better player altogether

  4. Nope

    As long as you play hard you are fine. Some of the best passers, servers, and even hitters are the shorter people.

    Watch a game in college and the tall girl is always going out when her spot goes to the back row and a shorter girl comes in who is a better passer

  5. No way, man.


  6. no way! there was a girl that we played that was like 4ft and we were all like. HAHA look @ that little girl. then she was set up to hit and man can that chick jump high and hit HARD! she was crazy good.don't worry about hight or size.none of that matters @ all. as long as you've got major skills your good

  7. no way there is a 5' girl who play volleyball very well

    "You can do all things through Christ who strenghthens me."

                                             -Phillipians 4:13

  8. No Way!!! I have played volleyball for about 5 years and, I have seen girls that are SUPER tall too SUPER short and, they were all great! You just have to be in shape to play!Good Luck!

  9. Yes - You must be at least 5ft., be flat-chested, and look like a dude when you wear a bikini.

  10. In fact, U don't need a specific height for playing it, but... (there's always a catch...hahahah) if U're not that tall, U need to achieve a better technique,  higher jumping skills, more strenght, U have to almost kill Urself at the gym, and reach the ball at a height considered normal (for players sizing 2 meters/6.5feet) every time you jump to hit the ball...

    I tell you coz Im 6.0 feet tall and had a hard time trying to fit the requierements of my team.  My pals all had 6.5 feet more or less.

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