
Do you have to be a high energy person to have 3+ kids?

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Do you know anyone who wasn't?




  1. YES

  2. Well, you have to have patience!  I have 3 children ages 2,5, and 7.  Truthfully, it isn't that bad.  If you set your children into a routine, then it saves you a lot of headache.  It just comes to rules and structure in the home.  Energy is a plus, of course, but no one is going to feel on top of the world everyday of their life.  

  3. It helps if you have a lot of patience, but remember the saying 'two's company, 3's a crowd' it's really true with children. all the people i know with only one sibling get on well, whereas with 3, one is always ganged up on by the others. And a lot of energy is useful while theyre young as you'll be running around after them a lot, but the main thing u'll need is a lot of patience.

  4. I have 3 kids and I definitely don't have the energy! I wish that I could bottle up some of my kids energy and use that:)

  5. it depends on whether you intend to stay at home and look after them, and what the age gaps between the children are. My parents aren't high energy at all, and had four kids (so when the last one was born, the ages were zero, two, six and eight). My mum went to work and hired a babysitter all the time because it was easier than controlling wild kids by herself (and believe you me, we were pretty naughty). So even if you start with high energy, you end with low energy, because kids take it allllllllll.

  6. No my mom has 8 im the second oldest (13) and she is DEFINITELY not high energy

  7. You don't have to be a high energy person to have 3+ kids. You just have to be a high energy person to be a good parent to those 3+ kids. And I'm not trying to be harsh, but if you just sit around all day and make your kids fend for themselves because you "Don't have the energy to do it", well...

  8. Just when they're young.

    When they're older, you're worry free

  9. Just a loving parent!

  10. I have five boys and twins on the way, and I have somewhat high energy. LOL. Even though I'm pregnant, I am the first to wake up and the last to go to sleep. The older ones are pretty self-sufficient, but the younger ones... LOL Their ages are 17, 15, 12, 7, & 2.  

  11. i have 4 kids......17.....14.....11.....and 6.......they are worth the high energy.......the older ones are really self sufficient now.....when they are young its so much harder......i used to think that i was going to have to commit it was worth 38 now and the only thing that i would have changed is that i wish i would have waited about 5 more years to have started having kids.....but its ok God blessed me with 4 beautiful healthy ones.....i get very tired at times but its worth it.

  12. I don't think you have to be a high energy person to have 3+ kids,  you just have to be willing to push yourself past the point of exhaustion to take care of them. I have two and between their school work, sports and other activities that they do it is exhausting but I just push right through that and do what I need to do. I am the first one up in the morning and the last one to go to bed.  

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