
Do you have to be a strong believer in god to have an abstinence ring?

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I don't have strong beliefs in god but I have very strong beliefs of being a virgin until marriage. Do you have to be A devout Christian to have a chastity/purity/abstinence ring???




  1. Of course not! A purity ring is all about a promise you are making to yourself. They reflect the pride you have in yourself, and that you have something special to give to someone someday. It is awesome that you are considering staying 'pure' for your future husband. Now-a-days, it is 'cool' to be pregnant and so many girls are falling prey to that image. I wish you luck, and I hope this helps!

  2. No, absolutely not. If that's what you feel is right, and you feel strongly enough about it, then it's perfectly fine.

    And that is a great choice in my opinion, stick to it!

    Good Luck!

  3. I don't think so. A ring means what you want it to mean.  

  4. While it is true that you do not have to be a Believer in GOD to practice abstinence, it is much easier when you include GOD the plan and do it for HIM instead of yourself. It will be harder to do it for yourself and on you own.  Also that should be GOD not god what an insult. You probably won't last too long without the help of GOD anyway.

  5. Dear Phoebe,

    What does 'God' have to do w/an abstinence ring? If the ring symbolizes what's in your heart...That is what God realizes. If it is in your heart to remain chaste, then continue in that. That is what God loves...Chastity.

    As you continue through this life you will find that the one thing God continues to work on us is with our 'hearts.' Don't get caught up symbols...Stay caught in truth.

    The truth is, purity and chastity is beautiful. Stay beautiful!

  6. no way!!!

    it about makin a promise to yourself

  7. No, it's something you strongly believe in and you are making a promise to yourself. You don't need any specific faith for this.  

  8. no..not really!you can be a virgin without the ring and you can be hypocrite and wear the ring as if your virgin...what God sees is the inside and not the ring!

  9. of course not! do you have to be a devout catholic/christian to read the bible? an abstinence ring is a good thing to wear, and a virgin till marriage is a good belief :)

  10. not at all  

  11. All you have to do is believe in purity. Although I'm sure some would think there is no reason to be pure without belief in god... I went to school with people like that.

  12. Not at all, if thats what you believe then you should wear one.

  13. Nope. It's all based on your own personal opinion.

    Im a strong believer, but i dont have one yet.

  14. nope

  15. no, just as long as you want to stay abstinent you can get one.  

  16. no you do not have to be christian to have a purity ring.  

    Bravo to you for choosing to wait and not feeling  like you have to follow the crowd.

  17. no and thats awesome you want to do that!

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