
Do you have to be angry to be a democrat? It seems you must be a victim to fit into this party?

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I am trying to decide who to vote for in this election. My democratic friends are angry and blame bush for everything. Many are already blamin Palin. Why is this. I do think Bush has not been a good president but he is not responsible for all of America's ills. My republican friends always seem more optimistic and if anything cautionary about their opponents ideas but not angry.




  1. All americans are the victims of the Republican n**i Party...those who dont make at least $4million per year

  2. Angry, maybe. We're angry because the nuts took over the asylum.  

  3. I agree with the previous poster- so many people are angry, Democrats, Republicans, the small business owner, your doctor, my mailman, the lady at the grocery store. Trying to make it in this country works for fewer and fewer people. Is it working for you?  

  4. Who's angry? I'm laughing my a** off at the utter hypocrisy and lack of morals shown by the Rethuglicans and the Palin family.

  5. Not at all.  Today it seems to be the Republicans who are quite angry.

  6. So.....Where's the Question??

  7. I do not think Obama is angry nor does he fit any criteria in the victim category that I am aware of.

    It honestly seems that Obama has elevated the standards of the Democratic party. He is the first to comment on leaving Palins family alone when they started talking about her 17 y/o unmarried daughter being pregnant. That does not sound to me like he is angry or a victim.

    The Republicans have printed many more absolutely false statements about Obama, and laugh it off when backed into the corner and asked how they could lie to the public. That sounds more like the behavior of the angry victim to me.

  8. If you're not angry, then you're not paying attention.

  9. Just look at all the smart assed answers below by your democratic readers - once again a point has been made by the ignorant opinionated.  Everything hits a nerve with these guys. I'm not angry & I'm no democrat either but my skin is a little thicker than most of these whining liberals. And just because I'm not for Obama, does not mean I'm a racist as many of these liberals like to use this word except when it refers to them. You decide on your own who you want to vote for! That is the point that should be made.Good luck!

  10. nope you have to be a free thinker

  11. To be a democrat you have to have no job, live on welfare, blame everyone else for your problems.  If you have all 3 qualifications then your a democrat.

  12. I found that to be a great norm. Most outspoken democrats have been at the bottom and are mad at the top, or against society's norm and been oppressed. I am a starch conservative and capitalist so I'm a republican. But dems seem to be mad at my core beliefs and I can't find anyone who is not a victim advocating for this party.  

  13. That's funny. If it weren't for rage, intolerance and greed, there would be no Republican party.

  14. Bullseye

    And, you must convince people they are victims if you want to be a democrat leader.

  15. You must be restricting your reading.

    I agree, Bush is not responsible for all that ails us but he sure

    created some horrendous problems. And we have a right to be angry.

    But we are at least honest about how we really feel.

    Are we the only ones angry ?  Absolutely not. That is the case with all of us.

    Read all about it !  Read all about it !

  16. Not just angry but also intolerant. They claim to be the party of tolerance and they are as long as you agree in lock step with them. I moved from the Democratic party to independent because of the unbridled anger and the inability to accomplish anything. I am still socially liberal however as I get older I become much more fiscally conservative.

    I look at our Democratically controlled Congress and realize they spend most of their time trying to impeach Bush and not getting the work of the American people done. In fact I am now convinced that the Democrats care more about getting and keeping power than they do about accomplishing the the work they were elected for. I previously thought the Republicans were the devil as I was told by ranking members of my former party but once I started thinking for myself and more importantly started doing my own research, I found a much different picture of life in this country. I stopped drinking the cool-aid as one of my more conservative friend recently said, and I'm more happy for it.

  17. Why do we Americans have to choose sides?  Politics is the most stupidest thing which is dividing our country further and further apart!!!!!!  Pointing fingers and casting blame is getting us nowhere, why don't WE look for, seek solutions, and find answers to our problems together???  Doesn't everyone see it???  It's absolutely worse than two guys arguing who the better football team is becuause our future depends on it!!!!!!! It is non-sense!!!! Please watch the videos below he's on to something here...  We need a common sense party!!!

  18. Absolutely not. One just needs to be open minded, educated, and patient, three qualities that republicans don't have.

  19. So what exactly does the tone of this post fit under?

  20. Absolutely not.  I am a Democrat and am not angry at all.  I see alot of anger on both parties while viewing these questions posted.  Seems yours is a little one-sided too.

  21. This is an upside down observation, I can always tell the Republican by the frown they carry on their Faces. democrats are the 1st to help a Fellow American, Republicans constantly whine about their perceived notion that the Government takes their money to help others. When actually, more money is spent on the Military than all the social programs put together.

  22. Thats all the Democrats amount to now a party of supposed victims of the system we  live in.  Cant blame themselves for their failings ohhhh no its always something or somebody else that has forced them to live a life of suppopsed misery and depravation.  The old adage still holds true Misery loves Company-------------Dems dont love misery they revel in it and celebrate it.

  23. Yup Also you have to be against what republicans want. So if republicans want peace then you must march for war to be a demoncrap

  24. Nope and nope.

    You DO have to give a c**p about someone other than yourself...which may disqualify some.

  25. No but you ahve to be a church going little f*g to be a conservative!

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