
Do you have to be flexible to start martial arts?

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I say this cause well, I'm not very flexible, but would like to take martial arts. I see people doing all kinds of kicks that require flexibility and I can barely do the splits ..




  1. Everything you will need to learn, you will learn in the art. All you have to bring is an open mind.

  2. no you don't have to be flexible. it would really help if you already are but if your not, you will eventually become much more flexible because they would have you do stretching exercises to loosen up.

  3. it is preferred that you do but it doesn't mean you have to be flexible. It'll just be a bit easier to do some techniques that requires some stretching of the tendons or muscle.

  4. you don't nessasarily have to be flexable. You'll gradually become flexable while you take Martail Arts (stretching and what-not).

  5. you know, I've always been flexible but my flexibility increased so much when I got into taekwondo.

    don't worry. you will get more flexible as you go on without even trying.

  6. To be your best yea but you don't have to be anything to start. Holding off on learning to better your body is a mistake i all ready made. don't make it to. I could be a year or 2 deeper then I am right now

  7. It really depends on what martial art you intend on studying. You'll see the guys on tv and in the movies doing the crazy kicks, jump spinning axe kicks and all that c**p, and yea, it looks cool, but as far as actual combat goes it's completely worthless.

    But I digress. This isn't about which martial art is best. To answer your question honestly, no. You don't need to be flexible to start out in the martial arts. When you attend a class your instructor will guide you along and work with you on everything from fitness to endurance to flexibility.

    I practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which is an art many believe you have to be uber flexible to be successful at, and I have to tell you that I can't get anywhere near a full split, and I'm very successful in my art, and I've also been very successful in other arts, such as muay Thai kickboxing.

    While it'd be useful to be more flexible for the kickboxing, if you train hard and want it bad enough, the flexabilty will come, and if it doesn't, you can work with your instructor to tweak things and make the style work for you. Hope that helps.

  8. It certainly helps to be flexible when you take martial arts.

    As you learn a martial art, you will become flexible anyway since you stretch every class. If you want to become flexible, stretch at home regularly. Not just little stretches - Full body stretches after taking a hot shower.

  9. No. I've taught lots of people who aren't very flexible.  What matters is technique.  The students I have taught start out not very flexible end up gaing flexibility though.  Don't let anyone tell you you have to be flexible.  A good strong kick can be delivered without flexibility.

  10. You have to be in overrall good shape period, here's why;

    traditionally in China fitness was emphasized first before any instruction began.  Reason being, a weak body executes sloppy techniques, and you need to do them many times, whereas a fit body can execute sharp techniques almost all the time or at least, for long periods.

    First, get in shape, including flexibility and you will eventually get there, then start martial arts.

  11. I couldn't even touch my toes when I started, you get flexible fast.

    If it's a good school they wouldn't require you to be flexible enough for advanced techniques when you start right out.

  12. Flexibility and dexterity will increase as you go along advancing in training. I have seen very inflexible bodybuilders get into Brasilian Jiu Jitsu, which is a sport that requires plenty of flexibility, and in a few weeks seen great improvement. In less than a year of training they have been IMMENSELY more flexible than they were before.

    Just start training. Good luck.


  13. No.

    Part of the warm up (in Taekwondo anyway) is exercises that stretch your tendons. You will be sore when you first start so don't overdo it in an attempt to get flexible in a week.

  14. Watch some video on youtube of BJ Penn..The guy is extremely flexible...He's 1 of the best pound 4 pound in the world at MMA

  15. No you dont. I am 13 years old and very flexible and my friend who i go with isnt and we are at the same level! also i am the youngest in the class n some of the oldest are like 40 years old and are so incredibly unflexible! n they do fine! also martial arts  will MAKE you more flexible! anyone can start martial arts whatever theyre shape, size, height, fitness levels and weight! even if you are really unfit you can go! and you will learn flexibility when you are there so dont worry just go and if you dont enjoy it you dont have too go bac, but you probly will as it is such a incredible sport!

    Good Luck!

  16. If your whole body is flexible, it enables you to move faster and be able to take more hits(because wouldn't it hurt more if you get hit on a part where your muscle is tight?). Flexibility connects to speed, agility, and power. Not by a lot but it's still good for both striking and grappling.

    I personally focus on stretching out my neck and my legs(I'm too lazy to explain why).

    By the way, are you saying that you never really "see" those people doing all those kicks doing any kind of stretching, or are you saying that they actually don't do any kind of stretches.

  17. Once you do more and more martial arts you will get more and more flexible.

  18. No, you don't need to be flexible. You will become more flexible with proper training. Good luck!

  19. I don't think so. I think it's all in the process of learning and training in martial arts.

    Good luck!

  20. Yeah it depends what you want to know! It's good to have.

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