
Do you have to be g*y to protest?

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Everyone that protests here is g*y. I sometimes wish I could join in a protest, but I don't want people to associate me with the she-mans.




  1. Wow have YOU ever got your orientation screwed up!  You need to learn how to use proper grammar as well as how to think rationally!

    There are various types of protest: anti-war protesing, anti-tax protesting, pro-Democracy protesting, peace advocacy protesting, same-s*x sexual orientation rights protesting (what you are prejudiciously calling "g*y rights").

    Your choice of terminology using "she-mans" shows you know nothing about homosexuality.  Most same-s*x sexual orientation males probably are not even in your awareness, they would blend in with "normal society".  There are exceptions, of course, but they are the infrequently observed minority in same-s*x sexual orientation.

    So what is it that you wish you could sometimes join in a protest about???????  What are you saying, except to promote your misunderstandings in a way that will get you noticed?

    You are mocking people who are natizens of our country and who are entitled to every civil right you enjoy is not the way to promote justice and Democracy!!!!!!!  Do not deny it!  A more legitimate question would leave out the malicious references!

    Why not make your own signs and march to protest the illegal war in Iraq, and berate the Republicommunist mafia cult tyranny that has turned our nation's government completely over to the international corporate cartels?  Then you will be doing something worth while!

  2. So you're saying that people who protest are g*y? According to your logic, democracy's g*y too?

  3. a she-man, wow...  will you be wearing a white hood when you finally find something to protest about?

  4. Dude anyone can protest. protesting is to let people know you disagree with the way things are going at the time. If you believe in g*y right and are not g*y yourself you can still protest. You have to live your life the way you see fit, to h**l with what everyone else thinks. And there are two sides to EVERY story so your protesting will p**s someone off no matter the issue.

  5. You have a right to protest if you want, even if you're not g*y. Orientation has nothing to do with protesting. And actually wanting to protest means that what you feel for that issue is strong. . I don't see why protesting with g*y people would stop you then. I think it's great that you want to participate.

  6. some protesters are just close friends or relatives so you shouldn't worry

    nobody will recognize you in the crowd (but imagine meeting your boss in tight pink pants with big sign 'I'm g*y!')

  7. No- stand up 4 wat u believe in!  We do live in a free country after all!

  8. You better not get involved then

  9. Protests what?  I protest many things, and I am not g*y.  However, if your definition of "g*y" is anything you don't like, then perhaps you need a new definition.

  10. haha make a sign.... "i'm not g*y like the rest of these guys but.... (insert whatever your protesting here) is... (some profanity) not a good idea!" i think that should solve your little problem!

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