
Do you have to be skinny to be emo/scene?

by  |  earlier

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I weight 140, yeah it sounds alot but I don't look it the only reason why I weigh so much is because I have big bones. (I look like im 120 pounds or 115 and I have a little fat on my stomach)




  1. LOL

    Well, most 'proper' Scene kids reckon you have to be.

    But you don't.

    x3 Usually I would have called you a poseur.

    But I'm like, defensive about my weight.


    I'm such a loser.

    Kay, bai.

  2. Bahaha. No.

  3. of course not, you can be emo/scene at any weight, you're fine. =]

    it's just a style after all

  4. agh dosent matter.. unless you like want to wear something that makes you look bad =| hmm wear skinny jeans but not so tight shirts to hide the pudge. and you dont have to be skinny stand out for once. just b/c everyone dresses the same dosent mean you look the same.

    i went to van warped and there were loads of people; skinny or chubby.

    all about confidence

  5. no **** i havent eaten 4 days better lose the flab or ur not in da game lmao  

  6. well if your fat, it just looks gross bcause emo/scene usually are skinny and wear skinny jeans and such...if your skinny it just looks better, [[not that your fat]] and on fat people it looks like their trying too hard, anything less than 115 would work for that look:} but be whoever you want to be.

  7. Nah lol... It doesnt matter... ive seen a 173lb kid pull it off and look better than this 128lbs kid... It just depends, do you have the look? haha....  

  8. No, but it makes more sense to be skinny.

  9. No I don't think so. As long as thats the style that you want to go for then go for it.

    Answer mine?;...

  10. wow. that is like the dumbest

    q ever.

    and plus labels are dumm.

    sheesh. quit labeling yourself!.=]]

  11. Well if your tall than thats not a bad weight. Umm most emo/scene kids are skinny, but there are the occasionally slightly heavier people that pull it off.

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