
Do you have to believe in God to be a Republican?

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I don't but Im still a conservative person.




  1. No.

  2. No. But you have to be prepared to lie for the sake of the republican party. Otherwise, republicans can never win elections.

  3. Which God are you speaking of?  Perhaps you should read up on the value system that is the base of the Republican party.  That value system is starting to waver and becoming ineffective at this time because the Republican party is moving away from the base.  Where does your value system come from if you don't believe in God/Jesus?  I do not see a foundation for your thinking.

  4. No. But the Republicans that do believe in God believe he supports conservatism. One read of the gospels proves that Christ was a radical liberal whom spoke out against the self righteous religious conservatives of his time; that's why he was crucified.

  5. Heck no, just watch Pen and Teller.  They are as conservative as it gets and they have boobies on their show!    

  6. No. I don't. Not in the traditional sense anyway.  

  7. No, there are many different republican ideologies. There are even g*y, non-religious republicans.

  8. Nope.

  9. No......You have to SAY you believe in God......and then act in a way that contradicts everything he stands for........then you can be a Republican.....

  10. No but many Republicans evidently believe that you have to be a Republican to believe in God, otherwise they knock your faith and your sincerity.  Glad I've left the GOP behind.  Obama 08.

  11. No, but to be a Republican politician you have to say you do.  

  12. NO

    After momentarily reviewing every Republican post that I have read over the last 2 years. Let me add conceptually maybe. But absolutely as in "Believe God"  No. ie "The soul that sins shall surly die"  Or the ever popular, ... "I AM the Lord thy God.   I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me:  I kill, and I make alive;  I wound, and I heal:  neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.  For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever.  If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.  I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh."

  13. No, you can be either wealthy, stupid, or religious.  

  14. Of course not.

  15. Not really but you sure have to be tolerant...

  16. Pretty much so, the left is so determined to get rid of bibles, christianity of any kind, and law suits by them to that effect, yes, I would say you are correct.

  17. you don't have to believe in order to be a republican, demo, or whatever.

  18. I pretty sure you just have to believe in taxation without representation and fear mongering. Voila! You're a Republican! P.S. Don't forget your lapel pin.

  19. Not that I know of. You can't drink Stem Cell Swirl Fetus Fruit Smoothies though. That you can't do if you're a Republican.

  20. Of course not. To vote Republican (or Democrat) no.

    But to run for office would be very hard for anybody who was not from the Judeo-Christian point of view, especially the Christian part of that, would be nearly impossible.

    But anybody who would put some sort of religious requirement on a political party, or belonging to a particular political party being required for a religion would be just wrong, and illegal.  

  21. Yes.

    The vast majority of Repubicans are brainwashed by the 700 Club and their baptist preachers.

  22. No because none of the swill in office does.

  23. You have to believe in God to get in elected office. Article 6 of the constitution states:

    "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

    But that part of the constitution has been ignored and urinated on ever since the cold war.

    Example? 2 words: Saddleback Church

    I too do not believe in the invisible tyrant in the sky

  24. No, you have to believe that God is a Republican to be a Republican.

  25. No but it helps if you are respectful of them

  26. Absolutely.  If you are not a bible thumper, you should be a Libertarian.



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________



    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

    Republicans offer deficit spending

    Libertarians offer none of the above



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________



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