
Do you have to bring a rabbit outside regularly or can it stay inside 24/7?

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Do you have to bring a rabbit outside regularly or can it stay inside 24/7?




  1. awwww... rabbits LOVE IT rabbits were outside all their life and were so happy.

  2. I think it'll be more happy if you took it out every once in a while. Make sure the weather conditions are ok though

  3. Would you like to stay inside 24/7? Hmmm, thought not! Take the poor beast out for some fresh air!

  4. you can litter train rabbits!

  5. those people ^ there don't know much about rabbits living outside! I have a rabbit and he is outside 24/7and he is fine but you can have your rabbit live inside and you can litter train them but they do stink terribly!

  6. It is better for the bunny to stay indoors. They can heat stroke at 80 degrees

  7.   It would be best to take it outside every once in a while, so it can have fresh air, get exercise, and have fun running around. It would be bad to have a rabbit inside all copped up.


                  Hope this helped!

  8. Mine are inside 24/7.  They're litter trained house rabbits that have free run of the apartment for most of the day and night.  I've tried taking them out on a leash before and it just panicked them, there were too many strange sights and sounds.

  9. My rabbits live inside and are perfectly happy.  As long as they have regular exercise and plenty of food and attention they'll be fine.  Make sure you bunnyproof the house thoroughly as anything valuable will be destroyed incredibly quickly!  You can buy a harness or secure run for them to allow them outside, but they can stay inside without any problems.

  10. Well, rabbits need constant access to grass and hay. You can have hay inside of course. Grass is a bit harder but you could always grow some in a tray in your house! So long as the rabbit is constantly munching on hay however, it can be OK for them to live inside all the time. Not in a hutch though right, they need room to run around.

    House rabbits are as prone to becoming fat as housecats by the way. Might surprise you to know that rabbits should ideally eat grass and hay ONLY - it's all they need for their digestion and dental health and has all the nutrients a rabbit needs. Forget pellets, muesli and even veg - after all do rabbits get these things in the wild?


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