
Do you have to build up a report account to get someone reported?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't tried to report anyone until today but my efforts seem to go unnoticed! Do you have to be a compulsive reporter to get noticed around here?




  1. Folks, we have to help half drawn get a new pencil! He has lost part of his name now,,,,:)

  2. I believe they have taken time off.

    I am so sick of it and those who come here and criticize others and the "Trolls" or whatever they are.  I asked a innocent question about an item that was used in sinks for Gods sake in the 50's and got the question violated.  

    Perhaps if I was insulting other users or something nothing would have happened.  I am so sick of it and I imagine this will get violated too.  But it is not fair.  This is a Senior sight and those who use it enjoy it and there has to be those who try to ruin it for others and they should be stopped.

    man I need to go ride my horse and lower my blood pressure.  sorry.  had to vent  

  3. If you read the fine print about "trusted reporter" it gives you a clue. If you report and they don't know you, they don't delete. If a bunch of people report, maybe they delete. If you report, and then someone they already trust reports the same thing, they delete it and note that you are in sync with a trusted reporter. How many of those coincidences they require is a mystery. To teach them to trust you, you can report anything that Tara J or any of her fans post - be assured, somebody else will report it too.

    The other thing is that users with many violations "will be reviewed." What that means is that for the first 5 reports against a given user, Yahoo will delete the content. (They drag their feet when it's a Top Contributer, but sooner or later they do it.) Anything above 5 nastinesses that the person posts is free and clear for about 12 hours. The trolls have created a new account long before 12 hours, because at Level 1 they only get 5 questions.

    Trolls live to ask questions: that's where the audience is. So if you see one, first report their questions, and come back to pick off their answers. Yahoo will quit deleting their garbage when they get to 5 reports, which is why that Peabrain is free to post for another few hours.

    OK, here it is: How can a 14 year old make money online. This is a spam phishing expedition, the common answer is  long paragraph with links. Both the answer and the question are reported as often as they occur, and the spam  program doesn't bother to make its Q&As private. If you get in line to report this garbage, which can ruin the computers of many young teens, you'll be on the way to Trusted Reporter Status.

  4. I think the Yahoo staff must be on break today.  Certainly several posts have been reported by multiple people. And still the offensive material remains.  

  5. Hi HD - if more than one person reports an asker - then that question will be deleted.   It generally takes at least two reports to get a Q deleted.


  6. No you do not need to build up an account but you must be on level 2 I believe. Today has been wierd as I have tried to report a impersonator of me and I have reported it 3 x and it is still there. Go figure?

  7. I've never reported anyone but have been tempted to press the "Report" button today on three occasions. These questions attacking other members have been very disturbing, downright mean, rude and uncalled for.  

  8. Every Monday morning I log on,  4:58 am  right now and most of my Q/A have been reported it is so irritating, it is always when i have many answers and want to save some and some are such fun.  Three people are following me around and reporting my Q/As, that seems to be working just fine.  I don''t report, just block.   Perhaps they are getting so many reports from the government politics, election category that they can't keep up.

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