
Do you have to buy a promise ring or ...?

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I was wondering do you have to buy a promise ring or can you use your own ring and have it be your promise ring?

see i think this is a really great idea. but then thing is im not christian. but i dont have a religion. my parents said i could be whatever i wanted when i was older because its my life. they dont have a religion either.

i was wondering if i could make one of my rings a purity one. its this irish ring. im not sure if you guys know which on it is but heres a picture:

its called a Claddagh Ring.

The "Claddagh" ring is a particularly distinctive ring; two hands clasp a heart surmounted by a crown.

The ring worn on the right hand, crown turned inward tells your heart is yet unoccupied, worn with the crown turned outwards reveals love is being considered. Worn on the left hand the crown turned outward shows all, your heart is truly spoken for.

so im single so i wear it on my left hand with the crown facing me. [upside down]

it means a lot to me. so can i make it a purity ring? and if so can i jsuust say it is. or do i have to do something?




  1. It's not the ring that's important, it's what it represents. If you stand for what a purity ring stands for you can use whatever you want as a symbol for your belief, it wouldn't even have to be a ring.

    Claddagh rings are pretty and if it means a lot to you it will hepl you to stay pure.

  2. You can do whatever you want, You know what it means and that's all that should matter.

    If someone asks about it then explain it to them, if they're open to it then good if not, they obviously they don't respect you enough for you to waste your time on them

  3. To me it sounds like you've done your homework. =p Ok, seriously, I think it's cool that you're doing this even if you aren't a christian. And I also think that the 'Claddagh Ring' will work perfectly for it, too. [= congrats! i think you've just found yourself a promise ring.

  4. that's actually a really good idea...

    i have one too and i've always worn it upside down if i was single and the other way if i was taken...but turning it into a promise ring seems like a really good thought.

  5. You can make any ring a promise ring, because it is a promise you are making to yourself, and your future husband.  That is the exact same promise ring I had in high school.  

  6. YOU can do whatever YOU want to do. It doesn't matter what it is to others, it only matters what it means to you. I could tie a belt to my head and say it is a sign of my purity. To others its a dumb belt and I look like an idiot, but to me it could be very meaningful. Its your world girl, we are all just living in it.

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