
Do you have to combat against another Recruit in Air Force BMT?

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Just curious if you have to go one on one with another girl (in my case) in BMT. I know that in the Marines you have to fight with the Pugil sticks, but I'm not sure if the other branches have to as well. Any help would be great!




  1. We didn't in the early 1990s, and I've never heard of that changing.  I'm pretty secure saying that Basic Trainees do not do any type of hand-to-hand combat training.  If you're entering a career field that requires those skills, you'd learn them at your technical school, after BMT.  

  2. The Pugil sticks were a lot of fun actually. You are wearing protective gear and the sticks themselves are padded. They are like giant q-tips.

    The idea of the fights is to practice the techniques you are learning.

  3. I know in the Army we did, not sure about the Air Force.

    It's not like a real anger fight. The only one you really think about fight like that is your Drill Seargent. He will sit there and talk trash the entire time "common quit being a p***y, knock the **** out of him". Although I don't believe the Air Force does that so you'll be fine.

  4. No.  Its the Air Force.

  5. Im sure there will be rules and standards.

    Hair pulling and biting, probably wont be on your list of things to do against the other person.

  6. Nope. Only Army and Marines do that as far as I know.

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