
Do you have to complete a Degree in order to do Masters?

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Do you have to complete a Degree in order to do Masters?




  1. Though it is rare for any university to admit a student who does not have a bachelor's degree, there are the rare, and I mean very rare exceptions to this rule.  For example, Blake Gottesman, (son of  Sanford L. Gottesman, president of The Gottesman Company) who was President Bush's personal aid for four years, got into Harvard's MBA program without a bachelor's degree.  That being said, unless you come from a wealthy and powerful family and happen to be close and personal friends with the President of the United States or are Bill Gates (who dropped out of Harvard to run one of the most powerful companies on the planet), than yes, you do need to complete an undergraduate degree to get in a masters program.

  2. Yes, you need to have a bachelors degree in something before applying to a masters program.  Depending on the masters program, you might need a bachelors degree in the same subject.

  3. yes.  you have to graduate with a bachelors degree in order to get your masters degree or PhD.

  4. The kicker is that the bachelor's degree does not necessarily need to be in the same field as the Masters.

    The reason you need the bachelor's first is that it proves you ca work hard and finish something. Because grad school is different. You have to be really, really self motivated to succeed as there is no hand holding at grad school/

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