
Do you have to declare an occassional sale of an item made from a hobby.

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My friend is hoping to take up knitting and doesnt know if she needs to declare that she sells an odd piece.




  1. I don't want to get anyone in trouble but I would say no as it is occasional. If she is looking to take it up permanent then I would say she would be classed as self employed. If it was often then I would say yes. Call your local tax office and find out, don't give your NI number just say it is a general enquiry. Like I said, I would say no.  

  2. As McEnroe would say - you cannot be serious!

  3. Hobby income (amount over the cost of materials) IS income.

    You report income on 1040 line 21, expenses on schedule A.

  4. it depends on whether she is out to make a profit, if she is then yes. if not and its just to cover costs of materials, then no.

    if she makes a small profit I wouldnt worry to much about it.  I doubt she would be making thousands profit so tell her to not to worry about it.

  5. Technically, yes, if she makes a profit on the item over her expenses like the cost of materials.  Her time doesn't count as an expense.

  6. Assuming UK -

    The question is how occasional?

    Quote ref trade descriptions act appeal case

    "In addition an appeal court case accepted that a postman, who had placed 21 advertisements relating to 8 cars in a year, was not acting in trade, but was merely engaged in a hobby"

    As cardies are not as substantial as cars then you might be able to make more, but this case relates to false trade descriptions - the tax man may have other ideas!

    Sensibly, the odd one or two a month won't be of interest, but it gets to 6 a week then your are trading. If she does not need the money then charity shops will take them.

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