
Do you have to do 'student teaching' in order to complete a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

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Do you have to do 'student teaching' in order to complete a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education




  1. The above answerer is incorrect. Perhaps he did not read your question fully. You do -not- need student teaching for any form of a bachelors degree. Your BA is a prerequisite for the next degree you need to earn to teach.

    Student teaching is required by every state in the US for your *credential*. This is not a bachelors degree at all. A credential is a seperate post-bac degree. You need two years of methods and curriculum courses *after* you receive your BA before the school will allow you to do your student teaching.

  2. Most likely, yes.  It depends on the university you attend and the education program's requirements.  I know at Ohio University, when I went through, they allowed a girl not do student teaching because she was getting an Early Childhood Educ. degree, but didn't actually want to teach.  Then later, she found out there were no jobs for her and she had to go back and do student teaching so she could get a job.  Now she teaches.  I wouldn't want my child in her room, she didn't really want to teach.  Since her example, they now made student teaching a mandatory requirement.

  3. Yeah! That's the whole idea of becoming a teacher. You have to do your internship in the classroom. Now you wouldn't want sticker shock your first day of officially teaching as a result of having never set eyes on a classroom filled with students, would you?

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