
Do you have to do a bottom turn to do a cutback or snap turn?

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It seems like a lot of surfing is just trial and error. And learning new maneuvers may mean that you have to lose out on a potentially longer ride.




  1. yes.

  2. Dude, you need to learn to bottom turn before you learn anything else.  And yes falling does reduce the length of your ride but going in a straight line is fun for only so long.

  3. I totally agree with the king.

  4. Well yea but thats the whole point isnt it? To keep improving?

    You just have to do it, dont really have a choice do ya.


    Bottom turns are definitely a good way to get yourself the drive and direction for hacks and the such . . . but as for cutbacks, it depends how you want to take it.

    Personally, I thinks its really fun (and looks really cool) to be pumping down the line and, as soon as your into the flat area, do a huge roundhouse.  You'll have a lot of speed going into the turn, and if you complete the roundhouse fully it




  6. For a cutback- you dont have to but all good surfing is, is havung a good style.... bottom turns in surfing is the main thing you need to get down if your looking to start gouges and hacks......snaps it all depends

    doing a snap without a bottom turn looks plain stupid.. bad style! but i would definetly say yes bootom turns are the key to snaps and cutbacks.

  7. Depending on the wave and the position that you are on the wave, you may have to do a bottom turn as the initial move to do a cutback or a snap turn (which I presume you are referring to a snap back).    Many times the bottom turn is not a move by itself; i.e. the bottom turn and a snap back and/or cutback are done in one move.  As you are hitting your turn off the bottom of the wave, you are aiming at the lip or a part of the wave that you want to be in next with the move to either snap back or cutback as if it is one motion.  Similar to a shortstop catching a ground ball and throwing to first base in one coordinated motion.  Or, a wide receiver catching a pass and making a move to run with the ball in one motion.

    Keep in mind that you can still cutback or snap back without a bottom turn like when you are driving along the face of the wave and hit a section where you can either do a cutback or a snap back.  So a bottom turn is not necessary, but keep in mind that a bottom turn, if done correctly will set you up with a lot of speed to do whatever maneuevers you want on the wave.

    Like you said, trial and error is the only way you are going to learn and improve.  But you gotta try in order to make an error.  So, keep trying and soon you'll get it and like any sport, mastering one thing will help you to improve exponentially and open other doors to master other maneuvers.

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