
Do you have to do the boiling water bath for salsa or can you just boil the salsa and put it in jars then boil

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the lids and place on jar and wait for them to seal?




  1. when canning food it is super important to follow the steps! dont skip it.

  2. you have to cook it and then water bath it for the recommended time in your recipe.  You can not skip steps when canning or you will have your food spoil or give yourself food poisoning  

  3. I use the Ball Blue Book for most of my canning. (If you don't have one you have to get it!) Pick it up at Wal-Mart for approx. $8 or the Ball Website.

    The salsa recipes call for bringing the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat simmer 10 min.  Ladle in hot jars 1/4 inch headspace. Process 15 minutes in a boiling water canner.

    The boiling water canner's purpose is to heat the food hot enough to kill any mold, yeast and bacteria. It's a step you don't want to skip. I'm doing Peach Jam tomorrow, already did Plum and then I'm waiting on the Apples! Now you've got me wanting to do Salsa too!  

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