
Do you have to donate away all your previously owned leather goods in order to make the transition to vegan?

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And also not accept any leather gifts from people?




  1. Yes you do.. Some vegans are against selling your old leather but I say you're just getting part of your money back. You cannot accept leather gifts either. Give it back to them and tell them thanks but no thanks, i don't accept dead animal skin.

  2. You certainly don't HAVE to.

    Not every vegan stops using leather. Personally, I don't really own any but I know of people who are vegan but simply are vegan in terms of what they eat. There are many vegans who choose to adopt veganism as a lifestyle and discontinue their use of any animal product including fabrics, products tested on animals....etc.

  3. Not at all! A vegan should be a vegan because its a healthier lifestyle and is focused around not consuming flesh or things from flesh.

    If someone says they are a vegan and gives you c**p about wearing leather simply ask them if they only use coin money. If they use paper money they are hypocrites.

    Have fun in your leather pants doll hahah ciao

  4. Many, probably most, new vegans use any leather goods they own until they are worn out, and then replace them with non-leather goods.

    Some will decide to give them all away and buy replacements immediately, but few people can afford to do that.

    Also if you own something that is precious to you that is made of or with leather, keep it. I have items owned by my late parents that I wouldn't give away.

    Once people know you don't use leather, they usually won't give leather gifts; if you do receive any from people who don't know or understand, I would accept graciously and give them away at a later date rather than not accept them.

  5. it's up to you.

    When I went vegetarian I immediately stopped buying anything leather (obviously) and tried to save some money to buy vegan versions of the clothes/shoes I had. Now (1 year later) I don't have anything leather since it's either fallen apart or my mum took it. I do still have a few things with wool that I just don't have the money to get rid of yet. I hope to replace them with wool alternatives as soon as I can.

    All my friends/family know that I'm vegan, so they don't buy me leather.

  6. NO. NO. NO.

    Why should others use it when EVERYONE must not?

    You should not waste them nor throw them away for the sake of meaningful lives were killed. Continue to use them. As you're not pretending to be anything, being honest can explain to people why you're doing so.

  7. This is something on which you have to make up your own mind about,I would say that if you are not happy having leather goods around you, dispose of them, although you do have to think of how you came by them, for instance, were they gifts from family or friends, and would you be cool by giving them away.

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