
Do you have to earn trust??

by  |  earlier

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In your opinion do people (be it friend/bf/gf etc) have to EARN trust first?? Or are they GIVEN complete trust first and if they break it then they have to (if its worth it) EARN it back??




  1. Interesting, If I was pushed I would say you have to earn it, but personally I give trust until it's broken.  I like to assume the best in people.

    Having said that before anyone is allowed to a place they can do damage, they certainly have to earn that.

    I have a website about relationships you might find useful?

    good luck  

  2. they have to earn trust

  3. trust is earned over time no one should be trusted at first you have to get to know the person

  4. I've been hurt a klot in my life, so it would be hard to trust anyone. So you would have to earn my trust.

  5. It is wiser to prove trustworthy so that the issue does not need to arise.

  6. i have to earn it in the first place lol

    which is fair because i make people earn my trust. Only because i have had a lot of people go behind my back and tell people all my secrets, so i find it hard to trust people now.

  7. I would definitely say you have to earn trust, at least from me, first.  Once its broken, however, it is up to you how quickly/slowly that person can earn it back.  If the person is truly, truly sorry for what they have done, and they are someone who you love very much/known since childhood, then it may be possible to trust automatically once more.

    Alternatively there are the very few people I think we all trust instantaneously, without having to earn it. Parents, siblings, loved ones, and those I think definitely earning it back is more difficult, as they are closer to you and know exactly how to hurt you.

    Hope this helped, interesting question!

  8. I have been hurt and betrayed by a lot of people close to me in my life (mum, dad, siblings etc). I found it incredibly hard to trust anyone until I found the man I am with now. I didn't trust him at first, but when he found out all about my past and didn't flinch, didn't judge me for it, I think that was when I suddenly realised I trusted him.

    So for me he earned that trust by doing that one thing, and believing in me. He has supported me 100% as I have confronted my past and dealt with it. I couldn't ever trust anyone as much as I trust him. I would put my life in his hands, no questions asked.

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