
Do you have to feed the DJ???

by Guest33356  |  earlier

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I get that we have to feed the photographer and videographer because they're there with you all day. But, do you have to feed th dj? I have a very limited guest count because the cost per plate is so high and since I'm already factoring in the photographer and videographer that means it'll be 3 less people that I can invite to the wedding.




  1. Check the contract. It will say if you HAVE to. However no matter what you are obligated to do, you ought to feed the DJ if they are there during the meal.

  2. My first wedding was the big white church banquet hall reception kind.

    I fed the photographer and all five members of the live band we had should.

  3. you dont have to feed anyone BUT it is in bad taste if you dont.they are there for at least 4 hours and they deserve a meal too. they always gives discounts on vendor meals.

  4. If he'll be there during the meal time then you need to feed him. If the cost  per plate is too high then you should have booked at a little cheaper place then. There are so many places that offer great food and ambiance for a small fee. Good Luck.

  5. No, I don't think you have to feed the DJ. They normally get there after everyone is done eating.. Unless he's going to be there while everyone is eating then you might have to.  

  6. Its actually according to how long he will be there playing for your reception.  If he is going to be there during dinner, YES you must feed him.  Sorry. that's probally not what you wanted to here, but it would be the proper thing to do.  Congrats!

  7. yes it would be nice if you feed them - they are helping you for your big day.  So, yes you are suppose to include them in your head count.

    And trust me when I say: Those that RVSP will not show up and those that didn't RVSP will show up.  It happens all the time.

    And when you are doing your head count for the reception you are suppose to over count by at least 10 to 15 people.....

  8. It will be written into his contract. He will specify if he wants to eat what everybody else is eating, or if he will accept the hired help plate. The plate is arranged with the caterer in advance. If it is not in his contract, then you are not obligated.

    If it is a friend working at a discount, you might be stuck feeding them.  

  9. You do have to feed him but it doesn't have to be what you or your guests are eating....maybe a cheaper plate would do as well, same with the photographer and videographer, then you wouldn't have to cut all 3 people?

  10. my husband is a dj as well and i often go along as his assistant, we have done numerous wedding receptions. the formal sit down dinners usually gave us a plate without asking and not to be rude but the majority of those were nasty food anyway and we didn't eat it so the people basically lost money, as for buffet style they would usually say "help yourself". You don't really have to feed them. What i would do is call him and tell him that you are trying to get an accurate head count for your caterer and tell him what will be served and then ask him if he would like to eat. That is the most polite thing to do because you are offering and if you just assume that he is going to eat and pay for that meal and he doesn't like it or doesn't eat it then you have wasted money.

  11. Yes you should at least offer.

    My husband is a DJ (well, on a very limited basis) and he's always offered food. If the food is that expensive, I would recommend calling or e-mailing the DJ, explain you need to have a final head count, and ask him if he would like to eat at the reception, or if he will be eating beforehand. Also ask if he has an assistant, because then you will have to feed him/her as well. Who knows, he might say he doesn't want anything to eat, but it would be rude not to offer.  

  12. If the DJ will be there during meal time or in excess of 2 hours, then, yes. I'm feeding the photographer, his assistant, the dj and the limo driver. The only one thet I'm not feeding will be the harpist. He will be gone by the time the vendor meals are served.

    Good luck

    PS/ of course "you don't have to", but, would you want to p**s off your vendors on your wedding day??????

    Vendor meals are cheaoer than guestes meal. My guest meals are $229 per person. The vendor meals are 33.50. so they are not really taking away from your guest. Other brides opt to order pizza or bring subs and water/sodas on a separate area. Makle sure you have a food waiver/permission of your venue to bring outside meals.

  13. I'm sorry, but yes, you do have to offer them food. Many will actually work that into their contract, but either way, they must be fed.

  14. Yes, you should offer.  I offered to feed my DJ and photographer but my DJ (actually his boss) said it is their policy not to accept meals.  SO I am only feeding the photographer and it is at 75% the cost of the regular guest meals.

  15. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do but you really should feed the DJ - the DJ will be at your wedding longer than the photographer and videographer and working hard.

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