
Do you have to get a 4.0 gpa?

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to get into a good college. also does marching band, jazz band, and basketball look good on ur resume




  1. Well generally... for the Ivy Leagues, you do have to have a pretty high GPA, have great EC's, volunteer, high SAT scores, and write a stellar personal statement.  

  2. No, not at all.  You probably need a decent one, though - a 1.5 won't cut it!  And yes, involvement in things like that is generally very good, especially if you've been really involved vs. just dabbling.  Showing any leadership skills in them is a plus, too.

  3. It depends how competitive your "good" school is. For instance, UC schools are a struggle to get into without a 4.0. However, good schools like Penn State and UT Austin are more lenient. If your "good" school is Ivy or Stanford, Duke, etc., than sorry, yes you need a 4.0. If you don't make it to this school don't fret. I have 2 friends from high school. One went to Stanford, the other to San Jose State. The Stanford friend transferred, the SJSU friend couldn't be happier. A college's prestige isn't everything.  

  4. you dont HAVE to, but if you had it, it would look freaking amazing on it.

    but a gpa above a 3.0 should get you into a state college, and a gpa over 3.5 or so should get you into a university

    Yes those other things show that you participate in extra curricular activities, it makes you look active, not lazy and stuff,

    what would help would be highlighting your LEADERSHIP rolls in your activities, because thats what colleges love to see

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