
Do you have to get all the chaos emeralds on sonic the hedgehog 2??

by  |  earlier

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it's been on my mind for MONTHS!!!

and it's the one from 1992 not 2006 or '05 or whatever




  1. No you dont but you do need them to become Super Sonic without cheating and also to get the best ending in the game

  2. In order to get the true "good" ending: yes, you need all of the chaos emeralds.

    Super Sonic did not appear until Sonic the Hedgehog 3.  

  3. No, but you get a better ending for doing so. :)

    Plus it's really fun to zoom around a stage as Super Sonic.  

  4. No, you don't have to. However, it's the main point of the plot, and you will get both a better ending and access to Super Sonic if you do get all of them.

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