
Do you have to get your blood drawn before you get your wisdom teeth pulled?

by  |  earlier

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I'm afraid of needles =/




  1. No.

  2. No, ur teeth have nothing to do with ur blood vesels in this case. although there connected there's no way someone should get ur blood drawn.

  3. no they just juice you up and rip em out or they are ripping you off


    The page explains the process of wisdom teeth removal - it doesn't look like you have to get any sort of blood test.

  5. They should not have to draw blood unless you have health issues like your blood don't clot well and if your are on blood thiners. If they have chosen to put you under anesthesia then you will have to get an IV. It is not bad at all. They will put some meds in your IV and you will be fast asleep. No need to worry. It is a simple proceedure.  

  6. i just got one pulled out and you need the needle to numb the gums

    i don't like needles ever,but all worked out fine

    don't worry so much and all will be fine

  7. It depends. They probably won't do it at the appt when you get them out, but maybe at a pre-surgery appt. You might get an IV if you are going under general anesthesia. But getting your blood drawn doesn't hurt, really. And if they do take it, it's for good reason... like making sure you aren't allergic to the anesthesia like my friend was (had to get rushed to the ER!) They don't purposefully make you in pain, it's all to try to AVOID pain in the future. Good luck!  

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