
Do you have to give a Tip?

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I have a Japanese friend...I was just speaking with her about food and restaurants, and she told me that she went to this Japanese restaurant (here in the U.S.) and they required a 15% tip...I thought that this was mad, especially when the service was not great....I've never been to a restaurant where is was required that you pay a 15% tip, so I couldn't answer her question.....she wants to know what will happen if she goes back but refuses to give a 15% in, anything that has to do with the law...





  1. Depends where in the world you go. In France, the tip is automatically added to your bill, so if you tip them additional, they just think you're stupid.

    In New York, some restaurants require tip, but do not include in the bill. However, the waiter will chase you down the street if you don't tip. Some restaurants automatically add tip to your bill if your party size is 6 or more. Always check your bill before adding tip.

    While not legally required, tipping is recommended, even if you have bad service, then you just give less.

    In my opinion, restaurants which include gratuity as part of the bill encourage bad service. Your only recourse then is to avoid that restaurant.

  2. If that is what it says on the menu or some place else in the restaurant then I guess you should pay it.  But as I left I would tell management I wouldn't be back because of it.

  3. legally ? NO. I have 2 brothers who live in Japan and funny enough tips are not asked for there.   here is a quote;

    " Whether a tip is to be given, and its amount, are matters determined solely by the

    customer, and generally he has the right to determine who shall be the

    recipient of his gratuity."

    You should post the name and location of the Restaurant. I think we owe it to the owner to update him/her on the laws of This country as they may be either mistaken or hoping we are mistaken on our own laws which is often the case.  

                If you go there ,eat ,pay the bill and don't tip. See what happeneds .

  4. Tipping in the US is a custom not a law. Funny your Japanese friend was giving tipping advice they are terrible tippers. I always tip good service 20% and standard service between 18 and 15. I never stiff a server ever. They work too hard even if they arent great. But at the same time I wouldnt go to a restaurant that required in unless it was a party of 8 or more.

  5. If you don't want to don't! if it was bad service say. You don't deserve the tip and pay with money not credit card if you don't want them to take a tip of it secretly.

  6. Well your friend has to realize that here in the U.S. -- your server is only making like $ 2.50 an hour. And as it may not be a law to leave a 15% tip, it really is just common knowledge to do. I dont know how it is in Japan but I know in Canada they get paid regular minimum wage and thats why Canadians dont tip. I use to be a server and we just knew that anyone that was a foreigner from Canada or from Europe NEVER tipped and were ALWAYS the most demanding.....

  7. Generally speaking, tipping is voluntary. That said, it is expected for table service, since the server makes 1/2 the minimum wage in most states, and pays tax on all their sales as if they had been tipped.  You need not tip for poor or surly service, but don't punish the server for bad food if they made all efforts to make it right. It is beyond their control.  If the food is bad, complain to the manager, but don't eat it all and then complain.  Some restaurants add a gratuity for large parties(over 8) because some payers freeze up over large dollars, even though large parties are more difficult and take up more time.As a rule of thumb, if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out. Stay home.

  8. it's up to the restaurants policy.  Many do it for parties of 8 or more.  It's a shame places have to do this but it's an even bigger shame people go out to eat and don't tip properly.

    I understand what you are saying you feel like you should beable to control the tip based on the services but due to people not tipping etc sounds like the restaurant is handling it there own way.

    If unhappy speak to the manager, she if there anything they can do.

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