
Do you have to go threw customs if you have an international flight with a stop in New York?

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I am travelling this week to Mexico by plane and I will stop in the US at New York. Do I have to go threw customs or do I stay in the International Zone as usual in other airports in the world ? What do I have to do? I've got a passport of a country part of the Waiver visa programm, so I don't need visa right?

Thanks for your answers




  1. More Information is needed.  For what Country do you hold a passport, What country are you starting your travel from and how long is your stop in New York ?  If you can give me the info before I leave for work in 1 hr I will check it out for you( its 1:09 pm right now)

  2. Maybe this thread will help:

  3. The "transit without a visa" program was ended after 9/11, so anyone who needs a visa to visit the USA needs one to transit the USA.

    You should be OK if your nationality qualifies for the Visa Waiver Program.

  4. usually if you're transitting from one internationa flight to another you shouldn't need to go through customs or immigration ... I haven't a clue about the visa, sorry ... if you want to make sure your travel agent or airline should be the ones to ask

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