
Do you have to go through q-school to play golf on any tour?

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How old do you have to be




  1. The PGA  holds a qualifying tournament every year for those who desire to play on their tour. This also includes those who were not in the top X money winners the prior year, those who went through regionals to get to " Q " school, and those from other tours  who wish to play in the US.  Players who finish in the top 30 are eligible to play in qualifiers held prior to the sponsored event. The next 30 are eligible to play on the Nationwide tour. The women also hold a qualifying tournament with the top players eligible for the LPGA tournaments., along with top earners from the Futures tour.

  2. No you just need to qualify

  3. No, you can have sponsors exemptions which grants you a chance to play in a tournament.  

    This is how Tiger Woods got on the tour.  He won the tournament he was exempt from and got his tour card.

  4. No.  You can play in some tournaments like the US Open by simply winning a qualifying tournament.

  5. It depends.  Tiger got sponsor's exemptions (7 his rookie year) and made enough dough to get his card.  Phil Mickelson did the same.  

    On the Nationwide Tour, you have to be in the top 25 to get exempted onto the PGA Tour.

    Pretty much everyone else will have to go through the stages of Q-School.

    Morgan Pressel is one of the few on the LPGA that got special Tour status as a minor.  Michelle Wie would've gotten it, as well, but she wasn't interested in actually joining the LPGA.  It's rare on the LPGA, and even more so on the men's tour.

    That's the basic concept, though... make enough dough, go on to the Show.

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