
Do you have to go through the gas chamber if you are going through basic in the air force?

by Guest33883  |  earlier

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Do you have to go through the gas chamber if you are going through basic in the air force?




  1. Unless things have changed since I went through basic at Lackland AFB in 1979 > > > NO there was no gas chamber then, but with the changes in the world and the areas we are based then I think it is a good idea to make every service member do the gas chamber.


  2. Don't let this freak you out. It's simple CS gas. Tear gas is all it is, a bit of an irritant that can be washed away with water. They'll have you go into a room and take off your gas mask, take a breath and give them your SSN. Now you'd be surprised how fast you can fire off that number but it's not that bad. By the end of your training you'll like the smell of it all. You can wine with the pups or run with the dogs, it's up to you.

  3. You bet, they better!  If you have bad or clogged sinuses, perfect place!  Everytime I had a bad cold, I volunteered to the gas chamber.  Clears you up!

    It isn't that bad!  Only time it is worse when we compete for the Iron Man trophy.  The normal training is that they burn 4-6 CS tablets.  Not in the Marines, 20-30!  Last Marine out gets the trophy, be advised that we all run out, last one is the winner.  But we have to do jumping jacks and sing the Marine Corps hymn, if we even get halfway in the verses without choking to death!

    I suggest to every other of my junior Marines to go through the chamber much as often as they can!  It'll build your confidence in don and clearing your mask if a real situation was to arise.  But in the USAF, don't think you have to worry about that, you be in the rear with the gear!

  4. I know it totally sucks, and I've asked this question to my recruiter myself, but do. From what I hear, it's not a very pleasant experience. You come out all red-eyed and with snot coming out of your nose...NOT a pretty picture! Regardless, it's all in the name of military progression and serving your country.  

  5. I believe that is basic basic.  Thousands of soldiers do it on a daily basis. Set your mind, you'll be fine.

  6. I know they do it in the Navy.

  7. is Military Training...

  8. Yes. A buddy of mine just did it.

  9. YES!!! And you will enjoy it maggot!!  When I went through it a thousand years ago, they gave a nice spaghetti lunch about 30 minutes before the exercise.  I puked up some raunchy stuff on my DI.

    Its much more fun if you keep your eyes open and breathe deeply.

  10. you have to go through this form of training if you want to be anything in any branch of the military. It is a part of boot camp and it makes sense that you have to do it as well. i am an on base cardiologist and i had to go through that training. it is because they want everybody affiliated with them to be prepared. they could gas a hospital after all.  

  11. I went thru it in the Army and honestly it was not that bad.  I was stationed at Fort Jackson in SC.  

    Some people were choking and gagging and some people's noses were running but it's not like you have big streams of stuff coming out of your face.

    It was a little irritating to me and made my eyes water, but it was not anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

    The hardest part was having the smell stay in your BDU's and then having to put them on later (you don't get to do laundry every day; only on the weekends for us) and getting the smell again ...

    Good luck!

  12. yes you do. just remember don open your eyes or mouth! you'll regret it!

  13. I had to go through a gas chamber filled with tear gas.  I closed my eyes and grabbed the collar of the guy in front of me and followed him around the room.  I was the only guy that came out without tears in his eyes.

    Don't let them catch you if you pull that trick.

    The tear gas was so strong it stung the back of my neck, so I think it would have been pretty painful if I hadn't cheated and kept my eyes closed.

    It was just one more sadistic, useless thing they did in basic.  The only thing they really needed to teach us was how to salute and say "Sir."

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