
Do you have to go to a doctor to know your depressed for sure or can you just tell?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious, but my opinion is that it depends. If the person is really thinking of commiting suicide or something, then yeah I don't think they need a doctor to tell them they're depressed and need help. But other then a few extreme cases like that, I think they might. But what do you think?




  1. No this is a wrong thinking...being a Psychology graduate I can tell u tht whenevr U feel depresed try 2 do some relaxation excercise lke YOGA,MEDITATION,FREE-HAND-EXERCISES........

    Bt thn also if ur not feeling well then go 2 some some PSYCHOLOGIST & not PSYCHIATRIST(Becoz thy needed only its anything 2 do wth medicine) 4 counselling...whr u can xpress all ur depreesivness...4 tht u dont need 2 b uterly as serious COUNSELLOR will not let u go 2 tht extent whr u hv 2 think of sucide......

    I HOPE I HV HELPED U............  

  2. On the whole, I'm in agreement with you.

    'Depression' itself, on the whole, is not a bad or a negative thing.  It can be a positive, it can be a warning sign similar to having a pain in a finger or a muscle.  It is natures way of WARNING you that all is not actually Okay.

    'Depression', for how long, of how severe and what thoughts come from it....?  These are questions that ought to be asked and the answers looked at.

    On the other hand, depression can easily and simply be a way of the Self telling you that it is not happy over some particular matter, and that it would really rather you to look again at some decision you'd made.


  3. We know when we're sad and feel dejected.  But we need a professional to tell us if it's generalized depression or not. Besides, if we know we're depressed, or not, of what use is that information if you don't go and have it  treated?

  4. yep. i know i will be!

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