
Do you have to have a Survey of your property to have your house foundation leveled?

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We live in small town in Texas. House is on a lot in town. House is in the middle of the lot. (Not near a boundary) Went to obtain permit. Secretary stated that we would have to have a Survey of property lines. I told my contractor who was ready to start the job. He went above her head and obtained the Permit. Is this a regular procedure? Is this is a law? Can anyone help out on this one? Thanks in advance.




  1. it may be on the books as necessary, but it is just another petty thing to make the Town Money~!!!

    they tack on all kinds of annoying little fees on everything imaginable, and i know surveys and appraisals cost some bucks, but this time they might have ya by the plumbs~!!!

    check in your local court-house zoning laws~!!!!

    Good Luck~!!!

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