
Do you have to have any licences or training to become a farmer ?

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Do you have to have any licences or training to become a farmer ?




  1. Aside from pesticide application, at least in the US most other licenses are waived for agriculture. Case in point, I worked for a company that ran a boiler and they were agriculture. he town came out and said we were in violation of inspection when installed and never inspected annually. The owner was really mad and then I filled him in on the regs as I had been studying them for some of my engineering courses. In agriculture boilers do not need inspection to set up and run and pressure systems like that do not require a boiler operator to be licensed, called a "Fireman Class 2" to run and class one to over see. It is the same with most construction also with respect to agriculture. Good federal promotion to farming.

    As a PS, you should take some formal university courses if you have not spent a fair bit of time on a farm. It ain't just simple dirt farming and you need a degree to pick up a hoe and know what to do. You can loose you proverbial shirt to bugs and disease and not know what end of the market to bring your crop in. College is great and when you get involved and see what you need to know, you will be really surprised at what you see.

  2. No, there are no "licenses" required to become a farmer. There are licenses required if you do your own spraying or grain funigating.

  3. I am now taking an Apprentice course for the Pork Production Industry called 'Pork Production Technician Apprenticeship' threw Assiniboine Community College

  4. NO, farming neither requires a degree nor a license, I work on a farm all year, the only thing is you have to know how things work.  If you do you may have wanted to take ag. in high school.

  5. No you do not need anything. Many people confuse farming with ranching so let me get this straight. People who are farmers they grow wheat, parley, wild pease, etc... people who ranch raise cattle, mainly cows, horses, pigs, sheep etc.

    Again you do not need any special licenses or anything to become a farmer. Of course you will need your drivers license, and then you have to deal with everything to do with the land that you buy or lease and stuff like that. You do not need any training to become a farmer either. Most people who farm farm because they grew up on farms or they parents have a farm or something like that.

  6. No licenses, but a lot of training. Most farmers are born into it and are trained from the time that they can walk, its called experience. There are a lot of other ways to get experience as well, as a farm hand or just working with an experienced farmer. You can also receive educational training as well by taking Ag courses and hands on experience in the FFA in High School. Also, you can major in agriculture at the University. There is usually work on the university farm for students that need a job and want experience as well.

  7. If you have no experience, no special education, then getting financing for a farm can be a problem.

    This is not to say that all who have special education in farming will find it easy to get financing.

    An important non farm learning process involves simple management and accounting, Our Science of Agriculture courses do not have management or accounting as a mandatory course, but children of farmers tend to go to university knowing that this is an essential weakness in agriculture. They do not need to have it made mandatory.

  8. Training wise, its recommended you do a four to five year apprenticeship...this includes various courses (each depending on what type of farmer you want to become. E.g. for a dairy farmer or beef farmer you'd do an A.I. course)

    Licenses, from what i can recall if you become a dairyfarmer you have to have a licence to permit you to actually milk cows (In Australia you do), the license basically allows you to milk a set number or something like that. Other then that you'll probable need a water license

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