
Do you have to have sr-22 insurance on a motorcycle if you need it on a car?

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there was a judgment entered that i have to have sr-22 for 3 years b/c of a car accident that my insurnce company would cover me on. i now want to buy a motorcycle and need to know if i need sr-22 for the bike. i have non owners sr-22 from the courts judgment




  1. I have to have an sr 22 as well and i tried to change it to the bike but i was told that since i had it on the truck i didnt need it apparently you dont have to have an sr22 on what you drive as long as you have it on something. Just your insurance company about it.

  2. id say u need to get sr22 sez u have insurance...yours sez u have ins on your car not on a motorcycle...mabe it will be good for another veichal but u better be already got in call the insurance co

  3. If you are going to be getting a bike and not using a vehicle you should get the sr22 insurance on the bike it will be less than the non-owners policy anyways, and i fyou are only going to be driving the motorcycle there is no reason to pay for insurance twice. There are companies that will file an sr22 on a motorcycle.

  4. I would doubt that an insurance company will apply SR22 to a motorcycle, many won't insure motorcycles at all. It sounds like you have a broadform SR22, you need to contact your insurance agent to see if they will cover a motorcycle under SR22.

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